Chapter 12: Scriptwriter

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Li Mengmeng exclaimed out of sheer wonder. "I'm always jittery every time I see the director. I wouldn't ever think of tapping his shoulder like that. Hey, do you think Wei Wan is really familiar with the director or something?"

Xiang Zeran shook his head. "Probably not. It's likely that she just isn't familiar with Director Shen's personality."

"Oh, you're right. Director Shen really hates being too close with others, though. Wei Wan is just, what's the phrase... Wet behind the ears?"

Yu Wan kept walking all the way after catching up with Shen QIngzhou. "Mr. Shen, why didn't you tell me that you were the director?"

He glanced down towards her condescendingly. "This is your project. Nobody in their right mind would think you're not paying attention to it."

"I just forgot, jeez." Yu Wan veered away from the topic. "Hey, you said something about discussing the script earlier. Do you want to do that now?"

"Yes. We begin tomorrow, and there are still a couple lines that need tweaking."


The two went in Shen Qingzhou's hotel room along with two other staff members. Yu Wan contemplated his humongous penthouse suite. She couldn't help but ask, "Is my room like this, too?"

One of the staff laughed. "Miss, I would be dreaming if the rest of the crew could stay in a room like this."

Yu Wan's face soured. She complained, "Director Shen, you should treat your staff better. How could you stay in such a good place?"

As soon as she finished, the two staff's expressions tightened up. They would never even think of cracking a joke with Shen Qingzhou. Who knew whether or not he would flip?

Thankfully, he didn't have much of a reaction. He even looked quite gentle...

"If you want to live in a room like this, pay for it yourself."

Yu Wan shook her head. "Freaking capitalists."

The staff, "...."

Next, the four started to work diligently. Yu Wan's personality changed entirely while talking about the script. She was serious, attentive, and clear-cut. The two staff members were very surprised. It was a classic example to not judge a book by its cover.

Shen Qingzhou didn't spare Yu Wan any less glances, either. Indeed, she did have other talents apart from cooking.

An hour passed in a flash. Shen Qingzhou stood up, "Let's end it here for today. You can leave."

"Sure, good night." The staff left as soon as they gathered their documents. Yu Wan made for the door, too.

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