Let the War Begin

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"Well, that is something worth celebrating, here the first round is on the house," the bartender happily replied.

"Oh, you don't have to do that!" Sakumo replied swiftly, taken back the man's generosity and not want to take advantage of it.

"I insist," the bartender replied. Before adding with a growing smirk, "take it as my congratulations to Reiji's future addition to his family, and for your future titles as the Fourth Hokage, Sakumo."

The Hatake release a little exaggerated sigh as he answered with, "I see. The rumor has already spread that quickly, huh."

"Of course, because it's going to happen!" Reiji declared confidently. Before adding with an amused smile, "hell, even Kagami-sensei said you had the heart and mind of a Hokage."

"Kagami-sensei was just encouraging us to grow strong and to inherit the Will of Fire," the White Fang countered with a slight pout.

"Wait, do you mean that your Sensei was Kagami Uchiha?" The bartender replied in shock as he places the Shinobis' drinks on the counter. "The Kagami Uchiha, who was one of the students of the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju?"

"Yep, Kagami-sensei was the best! One of the kindest Senseis' I've ever known. Sometimes it's still hard to think that it's been almost twenty years," Reiji spoke in a softer tone, with a slight grin, as if he was reminiscing on past memories.

"That's right. I heard that he was killed in action," The bartender thought aloud. Before quickly stuttering out, "my apologies, I shouldn't have brought up such painful memories."

"It's alright," Sakumo replied swiftly with a small hand gesture. Before commenting in a calm, understanding tone, "it happened a long time ago."

At that point, Sakumo and Reiji start talking about their days as genin, as Kado stopped listening and focused on the conversation with Ryo and Taiki. Talking about their recent mission, Ryo told them some things he had seen around the hospital and his work with Doctor Yoshida in the pediatric wing. Until an hour or so later when their attention shifted to Reiji's booming laugh.

Gaining the attention of everyone who sat at the nearby tables. Including the table that Ryo, Taiki, and Kado were sitting at. The Inuzuka let out an annoyed huff at the interruption since Reiji interrupted him. Unlike Ryo, who looked toward the almost drunk Kudo and Hatake with an amused side smile. While Kado's attention went back to the two shinobi at the front counter with the bartender.

"Pff, I lucky to get on the team, unlike Sakumo here..." Reiji started looking at the bartender, cheeks tinted red by the influence of the alcohol. Before added in a slightly buzzed voice and a toothy grin, as he pointed at the Hatake, "he was the Second Hokage's apprentice! The lucky bastard!"

As if sensing all the attention of the room focused on him, Sakumo gave a light nervous chuckle as he tells the bartender, "please ignore Reiji. He's had too much drink."

"Hey!" Reiji retorted in a slight offense tone before pouting.

"Is that true?" The bartender asked, stunned at the new information.

"Yes," Sakumo attempted with a sigh. Before elaborating, "but Master Tobirama passed away when I was ten. All he was able to teach me was some seal fundamentals and swordsmanship."

"Was that when you learn to use tanto?" The bartender asked curiously, trying not to pry.

"The basics, yes. However, Master Tobirama was mainly focused on seals and some survival lessons," Sakumo replied swiftly as if not to give away any information.

"Survival? What kind of lessons were they?" The bartender questioned out of curiosity.

"The most important Survival tips for a shinobi," A cold familiar, voice replied, making the Reiji and the bartender flinch and turn toward it. While Sakumo's expression turned serious, as he slowly turned to face Danzo Shimura. While he continued his interruption, "knowing how to use your opponent's strength against them. Am I right, Sakumo Hatake?"

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