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Jennie sat across from Rose. They were in math class, but there was a substitute and nobody was actually doing the left over assignment. Rose was trying to get Jennie to focus and do her work anyways, however, because math so happened to be Rose’s favorite subject right after chemistry. So of course being assigned fifty pre-cal problems wasn’t really an inconvenience to her in any way. Jennie was having an extremely difficult time concentrating, not only because she hated math and didn’t really have any intention in completing the work, but also because Lisa was sitting only a few feet away. And as usual, she looked insanely hot.

Rose had her back to Lisa, so she couldn't see her, but Jennie had a perfect view, and glanced over every chance she got. Lisa was wearing a red and blue flannel dress that somehow brought out her lovely chocolate doe eyes.

Jennie wasn’t really sure, but it seemed that every time she glanced back over to her, another button would be opened, revealing even more cleavage. She wasn’t sure she was going to be able to make it through the day without touching her. She’d gotten used to being with her almost every day, often more than once a day, and she was beginning to think she’d become addicted. Not addicited to sex so much, but jus addicited to her. Her just being Lisa. That was mind blowing. She definitely wouldn’t have thought that had she been asked six months ago that she would be going behind her perfect girlfriend’s back to be with Lalisa Manoban, the high school bitch.

Jennie definitely wouldn’t have thought that her time with Lisa would be her favorite part of the day, that she would be counting down the time until she got to be alone with her again. But life was full of suprises she supposed, and it defintitely wasn’t suprising to think she’d want to have sex with Lisa. that was the dream of roughlt half of Seoul high’s male (and female0 population, maybe even more.

“Baby?” Rose asked, “What’s the value of y?”

“Oh, uh…I got three plus or minus times the square root of thirty seven.” Jennie replied, snapping out of her Lisa induced trance back into the real world: calculus.

“What? No, Jennie, how did you get that? That’s not even close.” Rose said, sighing.

“Oh, well maybe we should take a break Chae. You know we don’t even have to do this, look around, no one else is.” Jennie said with a frown.

“You’ve gotten every single problem wrong on your first try. If I let you quit now, you’re going to fail the test on Monday.” Rose argued.

Both heard a loud snorting sound, and looked in Lisa’s direction. Lisa was looking down intently at the book she was reading, sitting alone, and silently denying having just made that noise. Jennie knew she was eavesdropping on their conversation. She often did, and later picked Rose apart when they were alone. Jennie kind of wished she wouldn't. Everything she said made Jennie much more aware of Rose's hangups which made it harder to be in a room with her on occasions such as this. What other seventeen year old girl would be forcing her girlfriend to do math problems when there was a substitute that didn't even care if they snuck up to the roof for a PDA session before class. 

Jennie sighed and picked up her pencil again, trying to rework the problem while Rose explained each step to her out loud. She looked back over at Lisa again. She was positive this time that Lisa was purposely unbuttoning her dress

Jennie grinned. Lisa looked up and made eye contact with her, and gave her a sly smile. She smiled back. 

Rose was aware that Jennie’s focus had shifted to someone else in the room. She turned her head around to see who she was smiling at, and saw Lisa quickly flicking her head back down to her paperwork.

“Why are you staring at Lisa?” Rose asked with  furrowed eyebrows.

“Huh? Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize I was. I’m just kind of spacing out…” Jennie shrugged, playing it cool as she tucked some hair behind her ear.

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