| when I say I cannot think of a better person for my sister ... I truly mean it |

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| we all saw this day coming and we're all so glad it's finally here |

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| we all saw this day coming and we're all so glad it's finally here |

BZucchini: that contradicts what you said in Pansy's post but go off ig
Neil_Reed: hes right ya know ^
TheoNott: shut up noobs 😪
Traci.D: you are all children
Prongslette: whh do you look so concerned?
Ginandtonic: isnt that the suit you wore to you great uncles funeral?


| two of my best friends are getting married today!!! |

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| two of my best friends are getting married today!!! |

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| wishing this amazing couple a life time of happiness and satisfaction |

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| wishing this amazing couple a life time of happiness and satisfaction |

Loony: where are you? It looks pretty
Neil_Reed: the gardens, there are baby chicks here !!!
Drachoe: awww so cute
TheoNott: what are you staring at? You look so focused
Plantsarefriends: I like the flowers in the garden


SHUT UP GAYCO! PART 2. Drarry social mediaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu