[III] _living_passion_3

Start from the beginning

"Two souls fighting for dominance in a body treating both like foreign matter," Vik put it simply. "Even if one were to live, it wouldn't be for long."

"How long?," V's voice became dominant.

"Few days at best."

"Where's Judy?"

"I'm here, V. If that's who you say you are." We looked over my shoulder to find Judy laying in a rolling chair, giving us a death stare, mascara tears that dried leaving black ink trails down her cheeks. "What's going on, tell me the truth."

I felt my control over V slipping away. Trying my best to retain some control, I felt it neccesary to tell this woman the truth. "The...name's Johnny. Johhny Silverhand. Me...V...are one person. One body....we...are...

"Dying," V spoke. I clutched my head as I knew all too well my fight for control was almost over.

"But," I continued. "We aren't....aren't dead yet. Arasaka. That's the key. Tell V.....please." I laid back in the chair and exhailed one last time as I felt my conscious being ripped from the driver's seat, tossed into the truck like the rockstar trash I was...I am.

"Hey, hot shot. What's your name?" Coughing up phlegm and blood, I simply replied "V." before laying back down in my bed. "Are you the real V though?"

"Judy," I groaned as I sat up. "Would the real V be awake right now, talking to you after being ripped of their body for the last few days by a parasitic construct that's overtaking their mind? Or will you believe me and let me blow my brains out in the morning?" I proceeded to throw my comforter over my head, laying back down in my bed.

"Still can't wrap my head around this, V. It seems too fucked to be true, even for Night City."

"Considering I had to rent out a whole new apartment since "I" trashed the old one so fucking badly....and the whole Pacifica ordeal....I told you I have no memory of any of it. Let me rest, please." I didn't move from my comfy sanctem. Johnny fucked up so much of my body, my head, my life, it was all too much to handle in one night. "Don't...leave though...."

"You want me to stay?"

"Yes....no...I don't know...." I felt a warm body slide into my bed besides me, two pairs of hands wrapped around me, comforting me as Judy held me close enough to hear her beating heart. "Sometimes....it just feels like there's no escape, no hope. That the only answer....is at the end of the barrel. Even before this relic corruption fuckfest, there were those thoughts. That there was no point in me trying to make it to the big leagues....that I'd flatline. Jackie, T-Bug...they're gone because of me.....why aren't you scared? Death seems to follow me like a shadow."

She rested her right hand on my cheek, wiping away some tears.
"I lost everything I have ever cared about, now Evelyn's gone, I don't really have much of a reason to stay in Night City."

"Why not leave?" Judy shrugged.

"Got some loose ends to tie up. Some last things to take care of first. And I gotta make sure the best merc in N.C. doesn't blow herself to bits just yet." I chuckled.

"Keyword, yet." There was a long pause of silence. Not the unsufferable silence one may find awkward. No, it was blissful silence. Peaceful silence. Judy traced her fingertips along my collarbone and across the bloodied bandage wraps."Will you stay the night?"

"Sure, V. Let me get you your pain killers and blockers." She left from besides my bed, leaving me alone momentarily before returning with two pills and a can of beer. "It'll take the pain away real quick. And I'll be right by your side, okay?" I grabbed the pills and chased them with the beer and laid back down.

~•Flatlined•~ [Female V + Judy]Where stories live. Discover now