Henry x Sammy

174 3 5

Bendy: I'm tired of it.

Alice: of what-?

Bendy: Henry and Sammy-

Alice: what about them?

Bendy: the tension.

Alice: ohhh- yeah- it's annoying.

Bendy: wanna lock them in a room-

Alice: Sure. I'll get Sammy.

Bendy: I'll get Henry- *runs off* DaD cAn YoU cOmE tO a RoOm WiTh Me?!

Henry: sure-

-with Alice-

Alice: I need to talk to you somewhere else Sammy-

Sammy: okay-

-time skip-

Henry: what are we doing here-

Alice: Bendy's idea *yeets out of the room*

Bendy: nO sEx *yeets out and closes the door* *locks it*

Henry: Well Shit-

Sammy: you swore-

Henry: Yes-

Sammy: you never swear-

Henry: Well I just fucking did-

Sammy: O-O guess we are stuck here now-

Henry: Yep- *sits on a random chair* *draws a picture of Sammy on the wall*

Sammy: *sat humming to himself*

-2 hours later-

Sammy: it's been 2 hours! How are you not bored.

Henry: I keep myself busy- *finishes the drawing*

Sammy: what were you doing?

Henry: drawing.

Sammy: drawing what?

Henry: Something-

Sammy: *walks over* that's me.

Henry: indeed.

-after another few hours-

Sammy: *checking Henry out*

Henry: *oblivious*

-after another hour-

Sammy: okay I can't do this anymore!!

Henry: what-

Sammy: you are so fucking oblivious. I love you Goddamn it!!

Henry: O-O

Sammy: *looks off to the side* *crosses his arms*

Henry: *walks over*

Sammy: 'humph'

Henry: *kisses Sammy's cheek*

Sammy: O///O

Henry: heh.

Sammy: *kisses Henry*

Henry: *kisses Back*


Sammy and Henry: *jump*

Bendy: *opens the door*

Henry: I'll see you around. *winks at Sammy and walks out of the room*

Sammy: *red boi* 'fuck-'

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