Chapter 1

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It has been one month since I've become Captain of the Enterprise E. My life has changed in so many ways. I'll be 21 in two days, my regeneration has not changed any of my relationships with my crew mates. The Doctor left to go stop the rest of the Daleks and I might never see him again, who knows.
I sit in my room with Porthos who is falling asleep on my lap as I speak. It is 2200 and I'm reading a novel that Julian gave me called 'The Adventures of Sherlock Homes and John Watson'. It's getting late, so I decide to go to bed. As soon as I hit the pillow I enter the nightmares. This time not as bad as any before. When I wake up its 0300 and I'm sweating and panicked. Porthos is the one who woke me from the nightmare. "Thanks buddy." I say.
He makes a whining noise and licks my face.
I decide to get into my uniform and I head off to Ten Forward. Guinan is on duty and she gets me a Raktijino. Julian comes in a hour later with a pad in his hand and a sad expression. He must have been woken up for some bad news.
"What happen?" I ask.
"It's my Mom."
"She is in critical condition at Star Fleet medical. She was diagnosed with Salvador Syndrome." He says putting his hand over his face.
"Julian, I'm so sorry."
I can tell he has been crying, he just recently started talking to his parents again after what happen 4 years ago when he was discovered as Genetically engineered.
"Do you want to take time off and go to Earth. I'm sure I can get Dr. Polaski for a few weeks, months if need be." I say.
"No. I will stay here, besides it would take me a week just to get back to Earth from
here." He says.
"I'll go with you if you like. Nog is perfectly capable of taking care of the ship for a few weeks."
"I can't ask that of you." He says.
"You don't have to ask that of me, I'm giving myself willingly."
So after about 15 minutes of telling him that he should go, he accepts and I am going with him.
"We will leave tomorrow at 0530."
"Alright." Julian says.
He packs all his medical stuff and I pack a few outfits, Porthos food and treats, my sonic screwdriver, and my Sherlock Homes book. Also a few work related thing I have to finish while I'm gone.
I sleep all through the night without any interruptions and end up waking up right on time.
"Ready?" I ask when we get to cargo bay 4.
"Ready." Julian says.
Porthos jumps into the shuttle first, followed by Julian and myself.
Porthos immediately lays down on his bed that I put in the back. I go to the console and tell them we are ready for departure.
"Mississippi to Enterprise E we are ready for departure." I say
"Your clear to leave Mississippi, see you soon." Nog says.
Then we leave. It takes 50 minutes for us to pass by DS9. "So...Do you want me to get you a Tarkalian tea? Maybe some breakfast?" I ask trying to start a conversation. He probably won't answer but I try. "Sure, thanks." He says. I go grab him a tea and then I get him his favorite, 2 scrambled eggs, bacon and fruit.
"This is delicious. I'm sorry I haven't really been the same, it was just such a shock, She is only 60. Normally the patients range from 70 and older." Julian says.
"I understand. Just know that she is still alive, so is your father. There not gone Julian." I say.
"You were 3 when your mom died right?"
That silenced me. It takes me a minute but then I gain the confidence "Yeah, she died of radiation poisoning, from fixing the warp engine."
"You just think your parents are invincible, and then something happens, and you loose them forever." He says sadly.
"Your Mom and Dad are still alive Julian. My dad is in prison and my Mom is dead. My sister, she's dead too. I didn't even get a funeral." I say.
"I'm sorry."
"No sometimes it's good to let it out. You can't hold it in forever." I say.
The klaxons sound and I check the scanners.
"Dang it, 3 Doric Cruisers are coming up are port bow! I can't shake them."
"Why are they wanting to fire on us!?" Julian asks.
"They want the Federation to stop using there territory but we need it for mining and travel or we would never get to half of the planets in this sector." I say.
"They're firing again!" Julian yells.
"Shields up!" I yell.
"I'm firing but it's no use against there weapons and only are one photon array and are half empty phaser bank." Julian says sighing.
"We should hide behind the nearest planet coming up here." I state.
We get hit one more time and that's it. We are going down. I had managed to get us near the planet, so they wouldn't find us but it's a L class and if we land here we won't last more than a few days. We start falling and all I can think is don't fail me now crew. They will find us. I'm sure they will. They will get a message saying that we had not made it to the hospital and that they should send a search party out for us.
"Brace for Impact!" I yell. I see fire and all the systems are dead. The main computer core might be able to be fixed, but I'm not concerned about that right now. I need to get Julian out of here, get a med kit with breathers in it, two backpacks with supplies, and the computer core. Porthos is right next me, a little dirty but perfectly fine.
I take out a hypo and give the first does of Alphateral. His lungs aren't able to breath well here. My lungs are used to thin air, since I lived on Gallifrey and my respiratory system has a special tube that helps us breath on thin aired planets. From the looks of Julian he has minor cuts and bruises, I scan him and find he has two broken ribs and a small concussion. All of which I can't fix. Everything in the medkit is broken except one hypo and a few different medications. 3 Alphaterals, one pain killer, and a blue colored medicine that I'm guessing Julian made before we came for his mom. He was hoping something that he's been working on will work for her. I find a cave and get Julian and I inside. Then is set up everything. I rap Julian's ribs and then start on the computer core, if I can fix it I can use it as a transponder that will be picked up by only Star fleet teasels in this sector. Can't have the Doric finding us. As in working I find out that my left arm is definitely broken. I make a makeshift sling and then get back to work.
"Max...." I hear Julian say faintly.
I turn around and walk over to him.
"Hey, your up." I say.
"What happen? I knew we were going down but I blacked out after that.
"You had a concussion and also two broken ribs. I fixed the concussion but I didn't have anything to fix your ribs since half the stuff in the medkit was broken. I gave you a dose of Alphateral though so you should be good till tomorrow."
"Your arm...."
"Yeah, it's what happens when I don't stay in my seat on impact, you were hurt as we were going down."
"Next time stay in your seat. Your safety is more important than mine."
"Says the Doctor." I state.
"Says the Doctor." He says being serious.
"Is the computer core salvageable?" He asks.
"Oh you know me, I can fix anything." I say.
Actually I'm not sure I can fix this since it's so far gone, but I keep that to myself, I need him to hope, I need him to think we will get out of here safely. I owe him that.
"Is the vial of medicine I was working on for my mom still intact?"
"Yes it is. Don't worry, we will get it to her, I'm sure we will Julian. But until we get there she will be strong." I say.
"Good. So, what do we have for dinner?"
He asks trying to sit up.
"We have some soupy pasta which supposedly tastes like chicken?, mash potatoes and gravy with a small piece of steak, and 3 bags of Eggs and bacon. Also I have a couple bags of dog food for Porthos." I say.
"We hit the jackpot!" Julian says. I know his favorite is eggs and bacon, who doesn't love breakfast for dinner?
"I'll take the pasta, you Im guessing want the eggs and bacon?"
"Yes, of course." He says smiling.
So that what we do, eating dinner, laughing about jokes, fate, and family. I fall asleep that night praying that the Enterprise or some other ship would find us.

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