Chapter 6: Blanket Fort AU

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(P.s, they are over 18 and live together in this AU, other details will be explained as the oneshot goes on)

Zero was bored, and Kaname was at work, so he was home alone with nothing to do. Zero trudged into the living room, sitting on the couch and grabbing the remote, turning on a show to watch for a little while, before his alarm went off half an hour later. His eyes widened as he rushed into his room, pulling on some pants and grabbing his keys and phone, dashing out the door and fumbling with his phone before turning off the alarm. Zero hopped into his car and drove out of the driveway, scolding himself mentally. He should have been keeping track of the time better. He pulled up to a school, and stepped out of the car, shutting the door behind him. He walked over to the front door of the school, as a young girl reached up and cheered, “Daddy!!” as she ran up to him. Zero knelt down on the ground, and the girl collapsed into his arms, sniffing his scent and nuzzling close to him.  The little girl pulled back, a big smile on her face. Her hair was long, down to the end of her back long. She liked her soft light grayish-brown hair down so she could play with it when she was bored. She was 5, and the daughter of Kaname Kiryu-Kuran and Zero Kiryu-Kuran. Her eyes started at a soft lilac and faded to a dark red, her eyes really were magnificent. “How was school, sugar plum?” Zero asked, as the girl giggled. “Today Mrs Nanaka read us a book about bears!” The girl said. “Katherine, dear, you forgot your backpack!” a tall, chubby woman said, holding a purple backpack in her hand. The little girl, now identified as Katherine, ran up to her teacher, gave her a big hug near the thighs, and grabbed her backpack happily. The teacher chuckled and helped Katherine put the backpack on. KAtherine turned and waved, before running  back to Zero, who scooped her up in his arms. “Ready to go home, sugar plum?” Katherine nodded happily, hugging her dad tightly. “See you monday, Ms Nanaka!” Zero said, as the teacher waved, smiling. Zero walked to the car, opening the back door and placing Katherine into her booster seat, buckling her in. Katherine tugged on the belt, before giving Zero a thumbs up, telling him she was secure. Zero smiled softly before getting in the driver's seat and driving home, playing some music as he and Katherine sang along to wheels on the bus. 

Zero unbuckled Katherine, picking her up and carrying her inside, setting her down onto the floor as she tugged off her backpack. Katherine gasped, quickly opening her bag and pulling out a makeshift flower, handing it to Zero. zero grabbed the flower. “Did you make it?” “Yeah! I made it just for you daddy! Do you like it?” Zero smiled, kneeling down and placing his hand gently on his daughter's cheek, gazing at her lovingly, “I love it sugar plum. Thank you so much.” KAtherine nuzzled into her fathers hand, loving the warmth of his palm. “What do you say i get you a snack and we play some games?” Katherine grinned happily. She always loved playing games! Zero walked into the kitchen, grabbing a cutting board, an apple, and a knife, before cutting up the apple in small pieces. He grabbed a bowl and set the apple pieces into the bowl, throwing away the excess pieces and setting the knife in the sink. He then grabbed an orange and peeled it, rinsing the slices before adding them to the bowl as well. Zero turned around and placed the apples on the counter, before picking up Katherine and setting her down in one of the chairs. “What game do you wanna play?” Zero asked, as Katherine grabbed an apple, nibbling on it. “Candyland??” Katherine suggested, carefully tossing the apple piece into her mouth and chewing it. “Yeah sure, i'll go get it.”

Zero laid out the board and set the pieces down for candyland. “What color do you wanna be, Kathy?” Katherine grabbed the blue gingerbread man, “This one!” Zero smiled as he grabbed the red one. “Good choice, sugar plum!” Zero grabbed his phone. “What do you wanna listen to?” “Nursery rhymes!” zero smiled and put on a playlist of nursery rhymes katherine likes. They played for about an hour and a half, before Katherine went off to play in her room, and Zero typed into his computer. Zero was a writer, and he wrote about different species and types of animals, etc. but this book was about different levels of vampires. He typed for a few hours, while Katherine played in her room. At suppertime Katherine walked into the kitchen, stuffed cat in hands. “Daddy? What are we gonna eat for dinner?” Zero looked at Katherine. “Oh hey sugar plum. What would you like?” Zero picked up Katherine, setting her on his lap. “What if we had dino nuggies?” “Oh yeah i remember we just bought some last week! I'll make them right now. Do you wanna put something on the tv in the meantime?” “Yeah!” Katherine hopped off her dad's lap and over to the couch, plopping down as she grabbed the remote and turned on her show. Zero began to cook the dino nuggets from the freezer, humming to a song that was playing on the tv(Katherine was watching a show with music, a lot more kids shows are like that than you think). “What’re you watching?” Zero asked as he set a timer for when to take out the nuggets. “Crayon Shin-chan. Dp you wanna come watch, daddy?” “Yeah! Do you want something to drink?” Zero asked, as Katherine nodded. Zero grabbed a sippy cup and filled it with apple juice, walking over to Katherine and handing her the juice. Katherine grabbed the juice in one hand, her stuffed animal still clutched tightly in the other hand. She drank the juice, her eyes glued to the tv. Zero smiled, sitting down next to his daughter and watching the show with her. 

Once the food was done they sat at the table eating their dino nuggies. “When is dad gonna get home?” Katherine asked after finishing her food. “He should be here in about an hour or so. Wanna watch a movie to pass the time?” “Yeah! And we can build a blanket fort for when dad comes home and then we can watch more movies!” “Yeah! It is friday after all. After we make the fort instead of watching movies in the meantime we can make snacks, so we have something fresh and yummy to eat with dad!” Katherine was boiling with excitement at this point. “I'll go get the blankets from my room!” “Okay! I'll grab a few from my room too!” Zero grinned before both of them  dashed off to their room, gathering as many blankets as possible. They ran out into the living room and tossed the blankets onto the floor, looking at the blankets they had collected. “Do you think this is enough?” Zero asled, as Katherine nodded. “I hope so. Can we get started now?” Katherine looked up at Zero as he looked at her, grinned, and nodded. They began to set up the fort, playing around and laughing as they set it up. They had fun, messing with the blankets and being careful not to tip the whole thing over. They set up a few things like stuffed animals and pillows, cramming them inside the fort. Once done they gleamed at their work. They were very happy and satisfied with their work, to say the least. They both had glimmering smiles, and both had their hands placed proudly on their hips, their heads held high. They both broke out into a soft laughter. “Hey, you wanna go make some snacks now?” Katherine grinned, “Yeah!!” Zero walked into the kitchen, Katherine following him. Zero opened the cupboards, searching through some ingredients. “What should we make first, sugar plum?” Zero asked, as Katherine thought for a second. “Mitarashi dango? Remember we had them at my birthday this year and they were really good?” KAtherine recalled, as Zero gasped, “You're right, they were really good! But i have no idea how to make them…” “We can search for some recipes or maybe go to the shop too.” KAtherine suggested. “Yeah, ill look for some recipes on my phone.” Zero grabbed his phone and searched up “mitarashi dango recipe” and began looking through websites. He finally found a suitable website. “Okay i found a website, now let's start. The first step is to grab all the ingredients. Do you need a chair to reach the steps?” “Yeah, please.” Zero nodded, before he grabbed a chair and dragged it over, leaving it near his daughter. She stood on the chair. “Okay so the first ingredient is joshinko rice flour.” KAtherine fumbled to grab the flour and set it on the counter. “The second ingredient is shiratamako/mochiko sweet rice, glutinous/rice flour?” Zero said, as Katherine just grabbed what she hoped was what he said. “The third ingredient is sugar, and the fourth just some hot water.” Katherine pulled out a bag of sugar and set it on the counter. “Okay make another pile for these ingredients okay? The fifth ingredient is soy sauce, and the sixth is katakuriko starch or cornstarch, and the seventh thing needed is bamboo skewers.” Katherine grabbed the items and set them down, now having 2 piles. “Oh yeah we also need measuring cups. I’ll grab them.” zero set his phone down and grabbed the measuring cups along with the bamboo skewers. “Now let's get started.”

After about 20 minutes of baking and making messes to leave for future Zero and Katherine, they had the dango laid out nicely and put in the oven for 10 minutes. Once they took the skewered dango out of the oven and set them aside, they began to mix the sauce, before using a brush(used for cooking) and brushing the suce onto the dango ball skewers. “Kathy go pick a movie while I finish these quickly.” Katherine nodded and walked over to their fort and grabbed the remote, finding a movie to watch. 

They sat in their fort, the mitarashi dango skewers resting on a plate as they preoccupied themselves with popcorn. They sat in the dark watching a movie, until they heard the door open and keys jingle. In about 5 minutes, kaname slipped into the fort, sitting beside Zero, Katherine on the opposite side of zero. “Sorry i was so late..” Kaname muttered. “It's okay. How was work?” Zero asked softly, as Kaname sighed. “Difficult.” “Try and relax, okay? We made some snacks for when you'd come home.” Zero whispered, grabbing two mitarashi dango skewers and handing one to kaname, keeping one for himself. Katherine also picked one up. Kaname sighed softly, but he couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips. “Thanks.” Kaname wrapped his arms around Zeros waist and pulled him onto his lap, resting his head on zeros shoulder, munching on the snack. Zero smiled, happy to have his husband home at last. 

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