Chapter 2

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Meredith woke up in her new home, feeling sick immediatly, she ran to the toilet, throwing her pizza up from last night. She stood up flushed the toilet and sighed. She stepped in the shower trying to wash away her sickness, without succes. She put on a sweatpants and put her wet hair in a messy bun.

Meredith grabbed the newspaper from outside, and attempted to look inside the Grey's home next to her. She saw the back of a head, whom was probably Thatcher's. She walked inside again grabbing her phone. 10 texts.. " Shit" sighed Meredith to herself. 5 from Izzie, 3 from George & 2 from Cristina. Meredith read them all, Cristina wishing her the best.. Izzie started nice but eventually yelled text and George kept asking if she was okay. She felt a wave of sickness hit her again and she ran to the kitchen sink.

Meredith grabbed her coat and walked outside, she walked to the pharmacy..
"Can i help you miss?" " C-can i have 3 pregnancy tests?" Meredith payed for the tests and walked home quickly.
She pee'ed on all of them and waited for the results. minutes passed and passed before all three of the test showed their results. " Pregnant,Pregnant and pregnant"she said to herself. Meredith grabbed the tests and put them under the sink. The doorbell rang again, so Meredith walked downstairs and unlocked the door. " Meredith listen.." " I know you dont want a sister, or just didn't expect one, but please i want to get to know my sister" sighed Lexie. " I am no good with sisters" " I hate apples" blurted Lexie out. Meredith smiled " Come in" she eventually said after an awkward silence. Lexie pushed her dark brown her behind her ear and followed Meredith inside.

" You want coffee or tea or a beer or i dont know?" asked Meredith. " Uh.. coffee is good" smiled Lexie. Meredith poured some coffee in for her and Lexie and sat down at the table. " So what do you do for a living?" asked Lexie, " I was an intern in Seattle, and now i moved here so im starting my internship at Boston North" smiled Meredith. " Cool! i finish my study medicine in 2 years" smiled Lexie proud. Meredith smelled the coffee, and got sick again, she ran upstairs followed by a worried Lexie. " Meredith you okay" asked Lexie. Meredith ran into the bathroom and throw up all over the toilet. " You need something?" asked Lexie worried. " A towel, under the sink" breathed Meredith out. Lexie openend the closet & grabbed a towel. She then saw the three positive pregnancy tests. She closed the closetcand handed Meredith the towel. " Soo.. how far are you along?". Meredith looked up shocked, " I saw the tests" sighed Lexie. "I-i don't know" " Alrighty, then i'll call my mothers old OBGYN and ill make an appointment for you" smiled Lexie. Lexie grabbed her phone and dialed the number " How do you remember that number so good" asked Meredith. " Photographic Memory" chuckeked Lexie . " That explains a lot" chuckeled Meredith.

" I have to go home, but if you want to i can go with you to your apointment tomorrow" suggested Lexie. "i'd like that, oh and, please don't tell Thatcher or Susan" sighed Meredith. Lexie nodded and closed the front door.

Meredith sank down on the couch with some left over pizza and grabbed her phone, she realised she hasn't talked to Cristina yet so she decided to call her.
"Cristina Yang" " Cristina, it's Meredith" " Meredith finally, i thought you were dead or something" " Haha no sorry, just adjusting" " you sound weird, whats wrong" " Okay so you sure you want to hear this?" " of course Mer" " Well my neighbours, turn out to be my family, i live next to my dad, whom left me when i was so young, with my sister, wow it sounds weird to say sister, but she's okay, and.. i'm pregnant" "YOU WHAT" shouted Cristina. " Is it McDreamy's?" " I't has to be, i haven't slept with anyone else, and i left right after Addison showed up, im going to an OBGYN tomorrow" " Oh Meredith, when are you going to tell him" "Not" stated Meredith." You can't Meredith he is the father" " Yeah so, he has a wife i am not obligated to tell him" " yes you are " " Please difrent subject" "fine" " How is Everyone. George? Izz?" " Mad, but okay.. they keep asking me for updates about you" " Im sorry " you should be, look i have to go call you tomorrow!" sighed Cristina.

" Shit.. I'm pregnant with Derek Shepherd's baby" muttered Meredith.

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