When the Other Shoe Falls

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**Autumn's POV**

It's been 10 years since I left that note for the boys on Bobby's old kitchen table. Was it hard to leave? Yes. Did I have to leave? Also yes. I know you may think that I didn't have to but I did. I couldn't look at Dean the way I had all those years before, but I did. So, I left. When I did leave, I went back to Virginia, collected my stuff, sold my town house, and went back to Louisiana. 

I was hunting and getting by on animals every so often, but I mostly ate human food. Being back in Louisiana has really helped with my anxiety and homesickness. Everyday I still think of the Winchesters and the life I left behind. Looking down at my phone checking the time, I realized I was going to be late. Running out of the door and grabbing my apron, I started my car and raced to my new job downtown. Pulling into the parking lot, I hurried to tie my short hair into a ballerina bun. Running into the old diner I worked at. "You're late Julie!" My boss Katrina called from behind the counter. Okay, yes. I changed my name! So what?

"I know. I'm sorry, woke up late!" I shouted back running to the breakroom to clock in. Going behind the counter to take some orders at the bar, I took out my pen and pad then walked to my first customers. "Welcome to Hart diner, what will it be today?" I asked clicking my pen. "Two coffees and a short stack, side of pig please." The man said. Familiar voice, 'No, it's not him. Shake it Autumn.' I silently scolded myself. "Alright, can do. It'll be right out." I said with a smile not looking up from my pad. The order bell rang and I grabbed the platter and walked to the new seats the two men were sitting. "Okay, two black coffees and a short stack with a side of bacon. Can I get you anything else?" I asked giving them their food and drinks. "You're number?" pancake boy asked with a wink. Looking up for the first time, I met the beautiful forest green eyes of Dean Winchester.

"Yeah sure." I said with a smile trying to make him think I didn't recognize him. Writing it down on one of the napkins on the table. "My name is Julie, give me a holler if you need anythin' alright." I said with a smile and walked away. My stomach is in knots and I feel like I'm going to pass out. "Woah, are you alright?" Kevin asked. He is the new school boy cook we hired over the summer break. "Yeah, I'm good Kevin. Thanks" I said and got a glass of ice water. "You want to take a break? You're pretty pale." He continued. "No, I'm fine. Just needed some water." I answered finishing my water and walking out of the kitchen. "Hey, who is that?" Kevin asked through the window pointing at Dean. "I don't know. But he's cute huh?" I said with a smile. "If you're into that." he said with a light smile and went back to work. 

**End of Autumn's POV**

"Dude, that's her." Dean whispered to Sam. "Okay, yes. It is her, but what are we supposed to do about it?" He asked taking a sip of his coffee. "I'm going to call this number and we are going to ask her why she pulled a one night stand on us." Dean said putting the written on napkin into his pocket. "And her new name is Julie? Really?" Dean said remembering one of their old conversations. "What's wrong with Julie?" Sam asked cocking one of his eyebrows. "When we were last together in the car, you were sleeping. She asked what I'd name my daughter if I had one and I said Julie." Dean said looking back at Autumn. 

**6 hours later.**

Autumn had gotten off her shift a few minutes ago, she walked to her car after clocking off and got in. Taking down her hair she also took off her apron and threw it in the backseat. With a sigh, she started her car and drove off. Getting to her downtown apartment, she turned off the car and walked into the lobby of her apartment complex. Getting into the elevator, she pressed the 6 and the elevator started to go up. Reaching her apartment, she got off the elevator and walked up to her door. Turning the key, she heard someone chattering in the apartment. Pulling out her pistol she kept in her purse, she opened the door and pointed it at whoever was in her apartment. "Easy tiger." Dean said putting his hands up with a smile on his face. "What do you want?" Autumn asked pretending she didn't know who he was. "I want to know why you pulled a one night stand on us. You're family. What the hell?" He said putting his hands down. 

"I have no idea what you're talking about, but I will fucking shoot you." Autumn responded cocking her pistol. "No you won't A. I know you." Dean responded walking closer to her. "Right, so you think my name starts with an A. Wow, okay Julie starts with a J." She said putting her gun away. "You might have these people around here fooled. But I know you. You're name is Autumn Red Secret. You were born here, but you left because something bad happened here. You don't have a favorite color because you think it's so ordinary, and I love that about you. You left me and Sam alone. And I know why." Dean said grabbing the gun from Autumn.  "And why's that?" She asked closing her door. "Because you had your heart broken, and you were afraid so you left. When this thing between us started, I knew you were waiting to see when the other shoe fell and it did. It always does." Dean said losing the grin he had on his face.

"Oh yeah? Okay, maybe you know me. So what? What do you want me to do? When you told me about your girl, I was happy for you. Glad that you moved on. But I was stuck six years in the past, and you were left in the future. I was and still am in love with you. But you can't do anything about that. So why are you here?" Autumn asked tears forming in her eyes. "The note you left. And the voicemail you left me.  Why wouldn't I want to find you?" He asked smiling again. "Come home A. Please, we miss you and we need you." Dean said getting closer to her. "And what about Lisa and Ben? You can't do this to her." Autumn said looking at Dean. Staring into his eyes. "I didn't. She left me." Dean said looking down. "Still, I can't come with you. My life is here now, and I'm not givin' it up again." Autumn said talking with her hands out of Dean's. 

"Look, I'm done. I love you Dean. Nothing can change that. But I'm done playing this stupid stupid not logical and irrational game with you. Besides, I'm a monster. I will out live you, our children and their children. I'm sorry. You can stay here for the night but, no talkin' about me comin' back." Autumn said letting tears run down her face. "Got it." Dean said wiping her tears away.

**Five years later**

Dean left Autumn in Louisiana but five years later, he had to circle back on a hunt. It was an easy vamp case some other hunters had thrown Sam and Dean. "Dean, do you think-" Sam started but Dean interrupted. "No. Its not her. Why would you even say that?" Dean said giving his brother a dirty look. After Dean's remark, the car fell silent. Driving up to the motel, Sam and Dean booked a room, and got into their suits to go investigate. "Okay, so what do we have?" Dean asked walking up to the cop guarding the crime scene. "Young woman, early to late 30's short hair." The officer said. "Cause of death?" Sam asked putting on latex gloves. "Someone bleed this poor girl out." The officer responded. Dean's phone beeped, it was a voicemail from Autumn. He opened it and listened. "Hey Dean, I found a cure for vamps who have fed already. I took it. It was pretty knarly  but I'm cured." And that was the last of the voicemail. "Dean. Come on man." Sam called. Dean sped walked to Sam. They lifted the white sheet to see what had happened. "Autumn?" Dean said and instantly his eyes watered and he looked away. Autumn was now gone. Forever.

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