Chapter 4 - Burglars

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"You're okay, Molly!" she heard Kate call. "Just a little higher next time!"

"Lean forward," Mrs. Newtown yelled. "Don't crawl out on his neck. And keep your eyes open!"

Molly cantered Bristol in a circle while she calmed down. Keep your eyes open, she told herself. And don't be a popsicle.

The next two jumps went much the same way. Bristol cleared them but Molly didn't help. On the last jump she managed to keep her eyes open but she still slumped forward, practically lying flat on Bristol's neck.

"Good job," Maddie said generously as Molly trotted back to the waiting area.

Molly shook her head. "I get nervous," she explained. "I keep thinking about what might happen."

"That's your mistake," Maddie declared. "There are times when you should think and there are times when you should act. This is one of those times when you just act."

"Or maybe you should yell 'Up' more often," Kate suggested.

Mrs. Newtown gathered all the riders and opened the gates of the corral. "Time to let the horses cool down," she told them. "Take the Perimeter Trail, everyone. Just a quiet ride – no galloping and stay off the grass. Be back in twenty minutes."

The Perimeter Trail looped inside the Academy walls. Outside the walls was forest. Inside were the great lawns and stately trees of the Academy grounds. The Academy itself rose over it all with a silent dignity. Its wide doors and brick walls seemed especially quiet on a Sunday.

"So what did Maddie tell you?" Molly asked Kate as they rode along at the back of the group of riders.

"Nothing much. She says the new students are all bullies. Two of them challenged Oscar to a fight simply because he wouldn't tell them the answers to a quiz."

"What did he do?"

"He reported them but the teacher told him not to be a crybaby. Have you ever heard of such a thing?"

"Not at Laurentide," Molly admitted. "But there are a lot of things happening that we've never seen before."

"Anyway, I guess they tried to beat him up but were chased away by Bair Burton."

"Bair?" Molly asked. "The big guy whose mouth is always open? Why would he help Oscar?"

"Bair's a nice guy."

"He seems kind of dumb to me."

Kate frowned at Molly. "Don't say that. Bair's not dumb. He just thinks slow. Now, his little brother Stout is the one I'm not sure about. All Stout ever talks about is football."

"How do you know so much?" Molly demanded. "First I learn that you're passing information to Peter Dumfrey, now it seems you're friends with Bair and Stout?"

"We have, um, similar interests," Kate said carefully.

Molly was going to reply but over Kate's shoulder she saw movement in one of the Academy windows.

"Hey, someone's inside," she said.

"Inside where?"

"Inside the school. I just saw someone. Isn't that the lab?"

Other students heard her and stopped their horses. They had reached the back of the Academy estate.

"There," a girl pointed. "By the sundial. That door is open. And look! There's a broken window."

The Untimely Journey of Veronica T. Boone - Part 1, LaurentideOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz