11. Quentin Turnbull

Start from the beginning

She leaves, closing the door behind her. I quickly tap on my comm. "Sara."

"Kate? Kate, where are you?" She asks.

"I'm with Turnbull's wife. She asked me to stay over."

"Turnbull has a wife!?" She asks in shock.

"Yeah, I'm trying to get intel. Anything we need to know?"

She thinks about it for a while. "Well, what he's planning would be helpful."

"Yeah, I don't think she knows. I was thinking more about his shoe size or something."

"I'll contact you if we need anything. For now, just stay safe."

"All right."

I hear her comms go off, but then she puts them on again. "Hey, baby, I love you."

"I love you too." I reply. I shut off my comm and falling onto the bed. The bed is even more uncomfortable than it looks, but I'm sure I'll manage.

I change into the pyjamas Abigail left here for me and go to sleep.


"Goodmorning." I say to Abigail as I enter the livingroom.

"Goodmorning. I hope you slept well?"

"I did." I lie. "Thanks for letting me stay here."

She smiles and stands up. "Thank you for not running away."

"People run away from you?"

"Everybody." She replies. "I made breakfast."

I follow her into the kitchen and sit down in the same chair as yesterday. She hands me a cup of coffee and some bread. "Thanks."

I'm not often this polite, but I need her on my good side, so I'm trying.

I'm thinking of a good way to ask her where exacly the camp is, and I think I found it. "I was actually in town to see my brother. He joined Turnbull's crew."

"I hope your brother is still alive then." She says, but then she realises that she actually said that. "Wait, did I say that out loud? I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine. But you said your husband has a camp out of town, right?"

She nods.

"Could you tell me where? Maybe Juniper's there." I just made up a random name for my brother.

"Look, I would, but my husband, he'd kill me."

This confuses me. "What? But he's your husband."

"He was, but not anymore. Power and money are the only things left he cares for."

I think about that for a second. "What if someone tried to stop him?"

Her head shoots up. "You mean kill him?

"Kill him or arrest him, just stop him."

"That person would be an angel, but also a fool. There is no stopping Quentin."

I eat in silence for a while. Should I tell her? If I do, then she may tell Turnbull. But if I don't, then we won't be able to stop him.

I decide to just tell her. "All right, I lied to you. Me and my friends came here to stop Turnbull. I'm here because we need intel."

She takes some time to proces it. Then she says: "His camp is at the mine. When I went to get the newspaper, I heard he was calling for a meeting at his camp."

"Thank you." I say, running to the guest bedroom. "Sara?" I ask over the comms.

"Yeah, you got anything?" She asks.

"Turnbull just called for a meeting at his mine. He has a camp there."

She tells me the plan. "All right. Nate, Ray and Jax are picking you up. Turnbull's using a train to blow up a railway, so he has the West for himself. I need you guys to stop that train. The rest of us are going after Turnbull."

"I'll go get ready."


Nate, Haircut, the kid and I are at the railway. With me on the back of Haircut's horse. Nate finally got the hang of it by the way. "There is our train." He says, while a train passes us.

"Loaded with enough dwarf star to punch a hole in a mountain and cut off the pass to the east." Haircut adds.

"So how do we stop a moving train?" I ask.

"We don't. I do." Nate replies. "I think."

He doesn't give us the chance to stop him. He just rides towards the train.

"So what do you guys think?" Kid asks.

"I think I liked him." Haircut responds.

"Let's go." I say.

We follow the train. At some point it starts slowing down and leaving a broken railway behind.

It's actually slowing down. He's actually doing it!

Eventually the train stops, giving us the chance to reach the front. Nate is standing there, still alive and breathing. "Did you see that? Did you see that? Tell me you saw that."

"Yo, that was badass, dude." Kid says.

"Totally badass." Haircut comfirms.

"You all right?" I ask him.

"No." He replies. "But I stopped a train."

I laugh. "I think he's good."

"Whoo!" Haircut cheers.

"I stopped a train!"


I find Abigail in a chair, looking at a picture of her and Turnbull. "You look so happy." I say, announcing my presence.

"He was a different man back then." She says.

I put a bag on the table. She opens it, and her mouth falls open. "This is a fortune! Where did you get so much money?"

Gideon made it, but I can't exacly tell her that. "Don't worry about it. I just figured you could use a fresh start now that your husband's in jail."

"Thank you." She says, standing up and hugging me. I freeze at the beginning, I don't often hug strangers, but then I relax.

Afterwards I put on my hat and give her a slight nod. "Till next time."


Haircut and I are working on a suit for Nate. I usually would think this is stupid, but he stopped a train. I think he deserves a suit, if that's really what he wants.

Haircut did the design and everything, but I did the colors. I'm also helping out where I can.

"Done." Haircut says proudly. He holds up a hand for me. I hesitate, but high five him. Then I put a blanket over the suit, while Haircut asks Gideon to get Nate here.

"Hey, heard you two were looking for me." Nate says, walking in.

Haircut and I smile at each other for a second, then we turn to Nate. Haircut speaks up first. "Yeah, uh, we just wanted to thank you for saving all that dwarf star ore. I have enough to power twenty ATOM suits now."

"That's cool man, so we all get one?" Nate asks.

I laugh. "Well, actually there's something Haircut and I've been working on before he starts building his exo-suit."

Haircut continues. "It's, uh, not exacly what was in your drawing, we made a few emprovements."

I take off the robe, causing his mouth to fall open. "Shut the front door." He says.

I throw the robe against the wall. "Yeah, we figured you earned it. Steel."

"Cool name." He says.

Sara appears in the doorway. "Hey, you guys done bro-ing out?"

"Well uh-" Nate stutters.

"Well no- not really..." Haircut stutters too.

"We can be." I tell Sara.

"Good." She says. "Because our friends back in 2016, they need our help."

Lotus (Legends Of Tomorrow - Sara Lance)Where stories live. Discover now