Chapter 1 - Hogwarts Express and first impressions

Start from the beginning

The black-haired girl saw the boys nod. "It is a family tradition to name after stars, my name is the proof, clearly," Betelgeuse explained.

"Blimey, your family takes this star stuff seriously, eh?" Fred added.

"You have no idea," Betelgeuse smiled.

"So, Bel, can we call you Bel, right? What House do you want to be sorted into?" George asked.

She paused, thinking. "I do not know. All my family had been in Slytherin for generations, all of them, except for my uncle. He was in Gryffindor."

She knew that being sorted into Slytherin was not expected of her. 

Expected by who? 

She could be sorted into any House, no one could object. Her darling grandmother could not surely. 

That old hag.

Betelgeuse resurfaced from her brief reverie, turning her attention to the twins. "What about you two?"

At that question, Fred and George grinned and then, without hesitation, withdrew two imaginary swords and pointed them to the compartment roof like two valiant knights. "Gryffindor!" They roared. "Where dwell the brave at heart!" They chuckle, before George added, "Just like all our family."

They are something else.

"So," George exclaimed, clasping his hands together, "what do you like?

Betelgeuse gave him a questioning look, tilting her head to the side. "Curious question from a stranger, George." She witnessed a faint blush make its way on the freckled face of the Weasley, but decided to humour the boy regardless. "Knowledge," Betelgeuse firmly stated.

Fred and George shared a puzzled look, before Fred cried out, "Boring!"

Betelgeuse deeply scowled at the blunt rudeness of the boy, but she did not have time to voice her displeasure.

"Pranks?" George eagerly continued. "Do you like pulling pranks?"

The heir of House Black could have sworn she saw actual stars of glee in his almond eyes. "I guess, but I am not familiar with them, aside from scaring Kreacher when I was younger."

"Kreacher?" The twins chorused. 

"Is that a disease?" Fred asked. 

"Is it contagious?" George continued.

"He is my house-elf," the girl responded, shaking her head at their silliness.

"Mum isn't too fond of our pranks, but that has never stopped us," George spoke, a mischievous glint appearing in his expressive brown eyes.

"Not at all," Fred supported, a secretive smile etched on his face.

"Oh?" Betelgeuse asked with a tone that did not betray how intrigued she was.

"Once, we turned our little brother's teddy into a spider —," Fred said; his lips set in a proud smile.

"— couldn't sleep alone for six months." George snickered.

"Still bawls like a child when he sees one. And as the good big brothers that we are, a few months ago, George and I left a gift on his bed —"

"— you should have seen his face when he opened it!" 

They recalled the horrified face of their brother Ron. The twins roared with laughter, supporting one another as wave after wave of laughter shook them.

Betelgeuse had a smirk on her pale face. "That is vile. I like it."

Suddenly the compartment's door slid open, revealing a boy with dark skin looking inside expectantly.

"Hello! Apparently, there is no available spot left on the back of the train. I am too lazy to walk to the front. Would you mind?"

Betelgeuse remained silent as Fred and George shared a look, "Sure, come in!"

"I'm Lee, Lee Jordan," the new boy said as he sat down next to Betelgeuse.

"I'm Fred Weasley, this is my brother George, and the fair lady seated next to you is Betelgeuse Black," he introduced. "The beast perched on the shoulder of Bel is Castor," he finished, pointing to the owl that has been sitting motionless on the shoulders of the girl for at least an hour.

Laughter and various stories regarding the twins' mischiefs filled the rest of the ride. The twins had already planned their first prank at Hogwarts, Betelgeuse had agreed to help.

Halfway through the train ride, the Trolley Lady arrived, asking if they wanted anything from the trolley. Betelgeuse offered to buy for everyone, not listening to the protests of the three boys. 

"I do not mind, truly. What do you want?" 

And so, they found themselves surrounded by all kinds of candies. Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, Cauldron Cakes, Chocolate Frogs, Pumpkin Pasties, and Licorice Wands.

"See the Acid Pops, Bel?" Fred nodded with his head. "I gave one of those to Ron, our younger brother when he was seven. It burnt a hole right through his tongue. Mum walloped me with her broomstick."

"Hey! Mum walloped me with her broomstick because you told her that I was you!" George interjected, outraged.

Betelgeuse let out a pearl of laughter. 

"Oh my, this is too hilarious," Lee added, clutching his stomach.

"Hey Bel, try Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. Reckon you will be luckier than me. I got vomit the last time I tried them," George said, giving the bag of candies to the girl.

"Yes, I will try, just one," Betelgeuse responded, picking a candy of a light yellow colour. She chewed for a bit and then with a poker face,

"Alas, earwax".


Here the first official chapter of Kalon. Let me know what you think!

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