Liang Xinyi nodded and smiled a little smugly. "The rumor has been spreading throughout the grade. It's okay to cheat, but if you stole the exam paper, you will get an academic dishonesty record."

Of course Liang Xiuqin understood the seriousness of the matter and sneered with contempt.

"It's a pity that her dad didn't come, otherwise he would see how good of a daughter she really is. If he ever saw such a shameful thing, he would definitely drive her back to the countryside!"

Teacher Xu glanced at the classroom. Parents stood beside each student, except for Yun Xi, who stood there all alone.

"Quiet! Parents must stay calm and quiet!"

Teacher Xu turned to look at Yang Lu, who was adding fuel to the flames.

"Yang Lu, do you have any evidence that Yun Xi stole the exam papers? The storage room was locked."

"I wouldn't talk nonsense if there was no evidence! Before the exam I saw her sneaking up to the academic administration office building alone, and she went back and forth several times. I thought it was because the teacher was looking for her, but later I found out that she had gone to the storage room. When the exam results came out, she had high scores in several subjects, so she must have peeked at the exam papers.

"There is no proof, so the teacher can't believe in your words alone. You said Yun Xi stole the exam papers, but what about the evidence?"

"I noticed that she had been looking for something for the past few days, so she must have left her stuff in the storage room."

"You said she stole the exam papers and was able to get in once, so couldn't she have gone in again to retrieve her stuff, instead of waiting for you to frame her?"

"Teacher, you forgot. A few days ago, the school's storage room was newly equipped with a password-locked anti-theft door. It's not that easy to get in any more."

Teacher Xu looked at Yang Lu, and suddenly he understood what was going on.

It seemed that what Zhao Yumo had said to him was true.

All the students in the class had been upset by Yun Xi's outstanding grades and had come together to frame her.

He glanced at the seemingly high-society lady sitting next to Liang Xinyi. Her daughter was being wronged, yet she appeared completely indifferent.

What a mother! She was truly negligent and irresponsible.

If he openly defended Yun Xi in front of so many parents, it would only make the students feel that he was being unfair and partial.

After pondering the situation, he glanced at Yun Xi, who had an impassive expression on her face.

"Since you are making these charges, you had better go to the storage room and search it again. If it is proved that Yun Xi did not cheat and you framed Yun Xi, then the school will mete out harsh penalties. You'd better think hard about this."

Yang Lu raised her chin with a resolute expression. "It's the truth, so I have a clear conscience."

Besides, the door was equipped with a coded lock, so one couldn't enter it without the code.

She didn't believe that Yun Xi would have been able to get in and retrieve the bracelet.

And even if she could have entered the room, she wouldn't have known in advance that they would frame her with a bracelet.

This time, Yun Xi was dead meat!

Given the hard evidence they had, it would be interesting to see how she could defend herself now.

Imperial Commander: His Pretty Wife Is Spoiled Rotten (Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें