Cobra Kai Never Dies/ Counter Balance

Start from the beginning

You agree for now to play along you'd get Sam's side of the story first, after all they talked about was incident with the billboard which you admitted was kind of funny.

The next morning before school you texted Sam to meet you at a diner before school you were sitting at the booth on your phone waiting for her.  "Hey" you hear her say as she takes a seat across from you. "Thanks for meeting me" you say with a smile "No problem by the way have you talked to Yas or Moon they haven't been returning my calls and we were supposed to go to a concert together but they were without me" she says kind of disappointed "Thats what I wanted to talk to you about actually, Kyler said that you talked about Yas, Moon and Me, I know its not true but I thought I'd get your side of the story first." You say waiting for her response.

"What,.. litsen (Y/N) what ever Kyler said was a lie I never talked about you guys like that in fact I left the date because Kyler tried to assault me in the theater."

"He what!" You say with a slight hint of anger in your voice "Look (Y/N) its ok ill handle it your already in hot water as it is imagine the press if you get into a fight over a month after the cancelation of your show just please let me handle it" "Fine I'll try not  to beat up Kyler" "Great now do you know where I can find Yasmine and Moon".

"Yasmine told me they were going to get burritos after school why" you ask curiously "Thanks that's all I needed to know" Sam said as she rushed out the diner. "Always on the move" you say to yourself.

The next day at school you were sitting next to Yasmine and Moon at lunch when Sam came storming towards Kylers direction and taping him on the shoulder "Think it's funny to spread lies about me" Sam says agitated

"What are you talking about we saw a movie and that's it or maybe I saw it a little bit more then you" Kyler says obnoxiously making everyone in the area laugh except you and Moon. "Yeah we heard you got pretty choked up" Bruck replied chuckling

This made Sam knock Kylers tray to the floor "Hey guys you know that billboard with that big ass dick on it I guess Sam takes after her dad making everyone gasp in the lunchroom. At this point you had enough before you could get up Miguel had beat you to it.

"Hey Kyler why don't you shut the hell up and stop being an asshole" "Wanna another beat down Rhea" Kyler said pushing Miguel "I'm ready for your lame ass Karate this time" he says shoving him again "Its not lame ass Karate" then Kyler throws a punch which Miguel expertly blocks "Its Cobra Kai" Miguel then punches him in the face busting open his nose.  Miguel then proceeds to beat the crap out of Kyler and his friends.

Miguel knocks Bruck into the table your sitting at with Yasmine during the fight you give a mocking thumbs up to Bruck "Your doing great" you tell him with a smirk before he goes back to fighting Miguel.

"Aren't you going to help them" Yasmine asks frantically "No why should I" "Because their your friends" Yasmine says trying to convince you. You laugh at this oh Yasmine sweet heart their not my friends".

The fight ends with Miguel smacking Kyler in the face with a tray which makes everyone in the lunchroom applaud.

After the fight you go up to Miguel at his locker "Hey man those were some pretty Kick ass moves you say fist bumping Miguel "Thanks man I'm just glad my training is paying off" "It definitely is who evers training you knows what their doing" "You should sit in on a class it could be fun" Miguel says trying to convince you."I'll think about man but I'll see you later" you say as you both fist bump each other before leaving.

You were at your locker getting your books to go when Yasmine comes storming up to you "What the hell was that" "What the hell was what you ask playing dumb "Why didn't you help Kyler".

"The better question is why would I help Kyler he started the fight he should be able to handle his own shit" you say slaming your locker closed "which reminds me this what ever this is we have going on its over" you say trying to walk away but Yasmine blocks you.

"What do you mean over why she asks" with a bit of hurt in her voice "Look Yas your a sweet girl but you helped spread those rumors about Sam and I won't date a bully" You say pushing past her leaving her with her thoughts.

A/N Hey guys your author here I hope you enjoyed this double longer then usual chapter. I don't have a time frame on the next chapter because life gets in the way. Furthermore sorry to the people who may have liked the Yasmine, ship but like I said it did serve the story maybe we'll revisit it in a future chapter who knows?

Now I know I don't have many followers but alot of people do read this story so I need yall to vote because this will determine the future of the story. Would yall rather (Y/N) host or compete in the tournament leave a comment and the majority will win.

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