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Warning: includes, mention of divorce, house burns, burn scars, cheating, death. If you are sensitive to any of these things I advise you to go to the next one

About: this is a slam poem from the perspective of a house that has been burned down


I'm down, all I hear, is people crying. All I see, is smoke and fog. All I feel, is heat. But how did I get here? How long did I last? How much was I loved? Why don't we start at the beginning. I started at the ground. It took a few months but i was finished. Polished and painted. Furnished and used. There was the first. They had two parents and three kids. I always found their stories amusing. I was happy to be the thing that covered their heads. One day the middle child came home and said, "mama, I am very grateful for the house we can live in". It made me so happy. To see her smile. Then they left. The next ones came. A small three person family. One day. The mother was having a party with her friends. One friend said, "your house is so great, it looks beautiful both inside and out". That made me feel proud. Proud of my bricks and stones. As well as my wood and steal. They stayed for a long time. I saw the boys sleepovers. I saw the families happy Christmases and movie nights. And I saw the dad do something wrong. I heard the boy cry. Then they left. I saw the boy choose. Then I was empty. I was empty, inactive, alone. For one more year. Then a nice family moved in. I saw them come and go. Happy and sad. I loved them so much. But then something happened. One day. The parents were out. Leaving the eldest in charge. They baked some cupcakes and went to bed. Things were peaceful. Then I got warmer. I felt hotter. And then I heard screams. I saw a flash of light. And in an instant. I went from standing high and proud. To low and weak. I see the family. Half of them burned and in beds. The others were crying and screaming. A crowd was around. Looking at the scene. I knew it was my time. But I knew I would be remembered. I saw their birthdays. I saw their Christmases. I saw them go. I saw them come. I left them many memories. And now my time has come. I did my duty. I made my mark. And know it's time for me to go.

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