F I F T Y - O N E 😃

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chap 51: rock your body

kairi yawned over dramatically for the third time during the seven minutes he's been in his friends car making robert roll his eyes and finally look over to him.

"if you didn't want to come this bad you could've just said no."

"i did say no."

"but then you said yes."

"yeah cause you and ale wouldn't stop being annoying." kairi shot back, finally sitting up in his seat.

"yeah yeah. as if your not gonna stay up until five am anyways." robert muttered. "plus," he continued before kairi could speak "you know you would've said yes if you and mattia were on better terms."

the shorter boy didn't say anything to that, knowing that ultimately he was right.

don't get him wrong, he really wasn't in the mood to attend a party today. but....he supposed that if him and mattia were on better terms.....he would've been more convinced to go.

not that it mattered.

kairi huffed.

he should've just said no anyways.

that's what kairi was currently thinking as he sat grumpily on the couch, messing around with his phone aimlessly while a flirty and slightly tipsy abby leaned against him.

she was cute, pretty—gorgeous really.

and kairi had her. he could cop her right now if he wanted to.

but he was too busy being unnecessarily mad at the tall raven haired boy on the other side of the room, looking like he was having the time of his life—drinking, vaping, and flirting with every girl in his vicinity.

it pissed kairi off.

he was the one who fucked up, so why is it that kairi was the only one who seemed affected by the whole fall out?

did mattia care at all?

and why does kairi care so much?

the boy let out a deep sigh before looking down at the half empty solo cup trapped in between his thighs.

he knew he was staring hard. he knew that mattia probably noticed his piercing glare awhile ago. he knew that mattia knew him having fun was the reason for his sour aura.

so why was he still sulking?

the thought immediately made him turn his phone off, swiftly sliding it into his pocket before turning to abby who had been trying to make conversation with him for the past ten minutes.

now that he was aware of it, kairi felt a little bad.

"hey what do you wanna do?"

the girl immediately from her phone, perking up as she gazed at kairi in surprise, wondering what his sudden change in mood was about.

"how about we go over there!" she said, using his engagement to her advantage. (a/n not in a bad way guys) "everybody seems to be having fun and you seem a little down....plus mattia and ale are over there." she said, thinking that the mention of his friends would help in the persuasion.

but it actually did the opposite—the very opposite.

and abby seemed to notice that as she took kairi's instant deflation with a small frown.

"or we could do something else, i'm down for whatever." she shrugged, not wanting to see the boy in a bad mood.

"no it's fine." kai shrugged, instantly standing up so that he didn't change his mind. "cmon." he added, holding out his hand for abby to grab.

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