Falling in love already

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Both of you saw everybody playing with their powers and talking to each other


Everybody looked at you both and then they all went to their seats fast and sat down

Granada:thank you...children this is missy she will be staying here for a bit so please welcome her in a nice way...missy I'd appreciate it if you sat right there(she points the seat next to fast foward)

Missy sits in her assigned seat and when granada leaves al the kids go crazy and then noodle stretches to missy


Missy turns to look at noodles

Noodles:I'm noodles

Missy:uh hi I'm missy

Missy turns to look at wildcard


Missy:who's that guy over there (she points to wildcard and then looks back at noodles)

Noodles:oh that's wildcard our leader in the whole group

Missy and noodles walk up to wildcard while he's sitting in his seat

Missy:hi I'm missy :)

Wildcard:hey I'm wildcard (he gives her a smile)

Then acapella walks up to missy, wildcard and noodles


Noodles:acapella meet missy our new teammate

Missy:hey I'm missy

Acapella:hey I'm acapella...wildcards girlfriend

Wildcard:oh yeah missy this is acapella...my...girlfriend (he said that with an annoyed face because he doesn't like her no more)

Acapella:babe can I talk to you

Wildcard:uh sure

They go to another spot to where they can't hear them


Acapella:I don't like her

Wildcard:you don't even know her

Acapella:did I ask....look just don't talk to her that much

Wildcard:fine I guess

While they were talking missy was thinking in her head that she knew wildcard from somewhere and then she got it they were friends when they were kids but wildcard had to move away then missy had a sad face and acapella and wildcard got back to missy and noodles

Wildcard:sorry about that

Acapella:yeah sorry we were just....talking

Missy:oh that's ok (she was still looking down)

Acapella:anyway see ya (she then leaves)

Wildcard:god...I'm so sorry she's like that

Missy:oh it's ok your not to bad yourself (she smiles at him and he smiles back)

Hey guys I just wanted to say thank you for the followers and the comments and votes and your welcome to those people that are saying thank you to me and to the next episode love you all💙🥰✌️

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