later that day

630 24 0

Everybody go in the living room and sit down.

Kami:where having a girl

Trisha:a girl

Tatiana: a boy

Mack:twin girls

Ray:so its gonna be ........5......babies



Trisha: omg my husband!

Princeton: its OK this boy faints. when there is no chips left so he'll be ok.

Trisha: oh

ROC:we need to figure out a plan

Prodigy: right cause its 5 babies, 8 of us ,4 of us go on tour ,and 2 of us got school, and 1 of us got a job.

Princeton: damb I forgot about all that.

Kami:we might need help.

Mack:whos help tho.

Kami:well my mom did work in a nursery she work with 10 kids at a time before.but she will need help so I might need my auntie Keisha.

Ray: (wakes up from faint)how are you gonna get my mommy.

Kami:call her and my mommy

Ray:k(calls mom)

Kami:(calls mom)

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