Blushes and Kisses

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"What are you doing here Ellie?", Noah questioned me with mirth in his eyes. Spying, duh! Staring at him wide-eyed like a child caught stealing cookies I stand there still, not answering his question. He peeks into the classroom over my shoulder and I turn too, only to witness Zach kissing a surprised Allie. My eyes widen in astonishment.
Gurrrrl We are going to have a lonnng talk about that.
Grinning like a Cheshire cat I turn back around to give them some privacy and to not snap into a squeaky cheerleader for my best friend's first kiss
In my excitement I had forgotten about Noah standing right behind me cause when I turned around I notice the distance between our faces was only two inches and his ocean blue eyes were trained on my face. Its going to be a very very long day, I think and internally sigh.
"Spying aren't you, Ellie?", he says in a teasing tone with a smirk on his face.
Man I wish I could wipe of that smirk with a you know what.
I instantly blush of embarrassment at my train of thought.
"Ellie? I believe my name is Eleanor. " I responded raising an eyebrow, folding my arms creating a little safe distance between us. "Well Eleanor is a bit too long, so Ellie. And isn't that what everyone calls you anyways. ",he replied. "Only friends and family call me Ellie, not everyone. And I believe we ( gesturing us) are not friends, acquaintances - yes, but friends - no." I said with a smirk on my face.
He laughed as if I said a joke. I frowned thinking what was so funny. After catching his breath he says," Ellie uff Eleanor we've known each other since grade school and you say we are not friends, that's a good joke." I huffed and said," Well if you call those years of bullying and torture friendship, (pointing my finger on his chest) well then you my sir have learnt the wrong meaning of the word friends, remind me to lend you my dictionary so you can learn what  friendship truly means." His smile morphed into a face filled with guilt and I immediately regretted saying those words to him. " I am sorry, I did not mean to say that." I quickly apologized, but he put a finger on my lips to hush me. The feel of his warm hands on my cold lips sent a shiver down my spine and I felt as if I stopped breathing.
"I am the one who should be apologizing right now. I am sorry for all those years of hurting and torture. I feel so guilty about it, I just wish I could somehow make it up to you. ",he spoke.
I was left speechless at his heartfelt apology and I immediately melted and forgave him. Again. "It's okay I forgive you." I said with a slight smile playing on my lips, gazing into his eyes. Lost In his beautiful blue eyes, my hazy mind hadn't even realized when Allie and Zach had slipped out of the classroom. Well I am really hoping that they didnt see us or I might have a lot of explaining to do to Allie, because I plan on keeping this interaction a secret. .........Hahahaha.
Gotcha! Oh come on who am I kidding , I can never keep a secret from Allie, and even if I try ...One look at my face and she's gonna know, and then will fish it out of me.
Anyhow back to the situation at hand, In our daze, Noah puts his warm hand on my cold cheeks and I instantly freeze from the current I feel as soon as his hand touches my cheek and then he started leaning in and so did I, my mind blocked of any sane thoughts and I am sure my conscience had fainted because of the closeness. Just as our lips were about to touch we heard a voice interrupt us, a voice I hated, "Noah what are you doing here?",came a high - pitched screech.

That voice belonged to none other than Natalie Jenkins aka Noah's girlfriend.

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Next part coming soon !!!

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