Touchy (5K special)

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(PAST AU!!!) We're gonna ignore the fact I've been gone for so long and just write a "lovey" chapter- (if you know what I mean by "lovey")


God, how long had it been? It's been almost two whole months. William needed to be touched. Badly. He's considered touching himself just felt kinda weird. And the temptation isn't getting better considering the fact that this whole thing started because of the one person who always is with him. William can't seem to get Henry off his mind. So many thoughts of him and his touch cloud his mind, he can barely think straight in the same room as him! (haha "straight"? don't you mean ga-) 

Tuesday, 11:34 PM, after hours at Fazbears Diner

"William! Are you in here?" Henry said, knocking slightly on his friends office door. William stiffened at his friends voice but still let him in. William could feel the warmth on his cheeks rise, most likely making him look a little pink. Henry smiled at him brightly and walked in, sitting down on the edge of William's desk. "Sorry I haven't been spending as much time with you as I normally would, but there were some ladies yelling at me for being out of pepperoni or something-" William chuckled and sat down in his chair. Henry looked over at his friend and his smile faded a little when he saw William's pink cheeks, fiddly fingers, and furrowed brow. "Are you feeling okay? You seem a do I say this...flustered?" William tensed and just smiled back at him. "I'm fine, just a little warm." Henry looked at him closely. "you're lying." Henry said, getting off the desk to stand in front of William.

William looked away, but was met with Henry's hand pulling his face toward him. 'Omfg his hands are so soft-' Henry looked at William again and put his other hand on William's thigh with a smirk. "Are you...turned on by me Will?" William was about to shake his head but Henry stopped him again. "Don't lie to me William." He said, lifting William's chin a little. "No." William said, shifting slightly in his seat. Henry raised an eyebrow and suddenly sat on William's lap. William's blush deepened and he pressed his back to the chair, trying to get away from Henry. "Then, you don't mind me doing this, right Will?" William bit his lip and screwed his eyes shut. Henry scooted closer on William's lap, his crotch grazing against William's. "William be honest with me, do you need to be touched?" William hesitated before nodding slightly, still refusing to speak. Henry looked at William worriedly, grabbing William's hand. "How long?" Henry said, putting his head down. "Almost two months-" Henry whipped his head up and grabbed onto William's shirt.

"TWO MONTHS?!? William!" "I know I know, but I'm fine, really!" Henry looked at his partner in shock. "No! You're not! That's not good for you!" William opened his mouth and closed it again. "Ignoring the fact you need something is not the way to deal with these things." William tried to speak but Henry stopped him. "Don't even talk right now, please." Henry said. 'I can't believe i'm doing this-' Henry leaned forward and kissed William, pressing his body against William's. "Mm- Henry- Wait-" William tried, but Henry still kept on going, slipping his hands under William's shirt to caress his sides. William squirmed and shifted a bit in his chair. William eventually gave up and started to kiss back, grabbing onto Henry's sleeves and wrapping him self around Henry. Henry smirked and shoved his tongue into William's mouth unexpectedly, beginning to grind against William. William jerked at the sudden change and almost broke the kiss, but Henry kept them connected.

Henry pressed his body right against William's and started to attack William's neck. William groaned softly and wrapped his arms around Henry's back. Henry kept going until it seemed that William's entire neck was bruised, and went back to making out with him. Henry ran his fingers up onto William's neck and tugged on the hair tie that was holding William's hair together. Henry then removed the hair tie completely and tugged softly on William's hair. William furrowed his brow and blushed. Henry parted for a moment before pulling on William's hair, dragging his head up to reveal the rest of his neck. Henry licked and sucked on William's jaw and throat, licking it softly before moving to a different spot. William groaned and winced when Henry got to the sensitive spots. 

~A few minutes later~

Henry released William's hair, pulling back to let the submissive male catch his breath. " was that?" Henry smiled, and William looked at him with eyes that screamed with love. William swallowed and chuckled. "It was...amazing." Henry smiled again and stood up, pulling William up with him. Henry turned and stopped outside the door. He faced back to William. 

"See you tomorrow Will~"

And with that, Henry left.

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