Introduction (i)

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Swara Gadodia :
Sweet , Innocent girl always think about her family , love her mom alot and always want a  father.
She and her step -sister after fighting with society rules make her mom dad together.

Shomi Gadodia( Bengali ) - She is swara's mother. She loves shekhar Gadodia who is  also her husband.

Shekhar Gadodia - Swara father ,love shomi and love her daughter Ragini alot , Swara is also his real daughter,
He is puppet of his mom .

Savitri Gadodia - grandmother of Ragini ,Hate Bengali people ,but have to accept shomi because of her son , love her ladoo( Ragini) and hate swara but can't do anything.

Ragini ( negative character) - step sister of Swara,
she is obsessed with laksh her ex finance, but laksh denied marriage and want to marry swara . that's why she hate swara but anyone don't know that she hate her. She have some plan in her mind for breaking laksh and swara marriage.

Shobha Bose ( bengali) : Swara's dida . A lovely lady ,love her daughter and granddaughter a lot , always trust her grand daughter(Swara).

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