"Where do you think you are going, huh? Did you ask me if i want you to leave?" i was just staring him in disbelief and confusion "Since when do i have to report everything i do to you?" i asked him and slapped his hand away "please, refrain yourself from touching me" after that, i slowly walked off, paying absolutely no attention to Gojou's calls.

When i got in my room i started packing my stuff realising that i finally won't have to deal with that stupid airhead anymore. I sighed in relief once i was finished packing my stuff and popped on the bed letting myself drifted to sleep.

Next morning

Third Person POV

The (h/c) haired girl woke up to someone loudly knocking on her door "Coming.." she half-yelled in a husky voice and stood up to open the door as soon as possible as she couldn't stand the loud knocking anymore. She sighed in frustration and opened the door "What do you want?" she rubbed her eyes and then she felt someone wrapping their hands around her "PLEASE DONT LEAVE" the unknown person cried out and squeezed her tightly. She on the other hand was frozen in place as she didn't like when someone touched her since fun fact she was germophobic, she looked down and saw Shoko crying "So you found out, huh?" she asked as she broke the hug.

"Well duh, Gojou seemed down all morning so we decided to ask him what's wrong and he told us that you were leaving today" the atmosphere immediatly became gloomy once the (h/c) haired girl heard the boy's name "Uh yeah, Master decided that it would be a good idea from me and Gojou take a break from each other" she scratched the back of her neck and looked away "Anyways i have to go, thanks for waking me up, if i slept for anoher hour i would of totally lost the train".

She grabbed her stuff and headed outside her room but she was stopped by Shoko tugging her sleeve "I... I will miss you..." she said as her eyes showed sadness. The girl decided that it would be the best for both of them if she didn't reply and just continued her way to the gates 'I'm sorry' she thought and took a deep breath and left the now sobbing Shoko behind.

Time skip - When she got to the train station

'So loud, i don't like it here' i thought to myself as I pinched the bridge of my nose and took my phone with my earphones out to listen to some music until the train comes. As i was listening to my music I saw the train comig and grabbed my stuff so i was ready to get on immediatly, once it stopped i entered the train and took a sit next to the window.

After a few minutes the train had finally started it's way, i rested my head on te window so i could relax and take a small nap since it was really early in the morning. As i was about to fall asleep i saw a white haired boy running towards the train, and specifically where i was sitting, the boy stopped in front of my window and looked at me with a pleading look and then he took his phone out and put it on his ear. My phone started vibrating and i looked at it 'Why is he calling me?' i looked at him with a confused look as i picked up "Please don't leave, I'm sorry" he said as he took huffed for air, i was staring at him with an emotionless expression and closed the curtain.

 "It's too late Satoru..."


Me trying to come up with what to write like:

This is the first time i write a fanfiction so i hope you guys like it uwu"

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This is the first time i write a fanfiction so i hope you guys like it uwu".

I'm not sure when i will be able to update the story since my school starts the upcoming Monday (Yes we were in quarantine for 5 months already 😃) so i will try my best to upload as much as possible.

But another problem is that I'm not that creative so if you gave some suggestions on the comments it would be really helpful.

I would also like to thank my cousin for helping me with any mistakes and helping me with the whole chapter in general uwu✨.

I'll see you on the next chapter🍙.

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