Chapter 10: Hangout

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 After class, the group decided to hang out together outside of school. Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko didn't have time to come, so the group only has Mondo, Taka, Chihiro, Leon and Yasuhiro. They all agreed to go to a café and then walk around the local park for bit, since Taka and Chihiro didn't want to do anything chaotic.

 They all ate quickly at the café to go to the local park early, the park gets crowded at noon so they wanted to have a lot of space without getting pushed around by other people. Taka and Mondo decided to sit at a bench to relax while the others explore around the park, a few minutes pass and the pair heard a rustling noise in a hedge behind them.

"What was that noise?" Taka asked Mondo who had his arm around him.

"Leon is probably trying to scare us." He said as he looked behind and began searching the hedge. But he was wrong about the noise, suddenly, something jumped out of the hedge onto Mondo's face.

"What the!?" Mondo said as he grabbed the thing to pull it off his face.

"Oh! It's a little puppy!" Taka squeal.

"A puppy!?" Mondo asked as he looked at what he is holding. It was a small little puppy with brown fur, some white spots and blue eyes. It seemed to be very playful.

"Aww! It's so cute!" Taka said as he took one of his hands to pet the puppy's head.

"Huh, it is." Mondo said petting it as well.

"The puppy seems to be lost or abandoned..." Taka said with a sad look on his face.

"It's dirty too..." Mondo added. 

The two debated about the puppy for a few more minutes, while the puppy keep squirming around in Mondo's arms wanting to play.

"Mondo, are you planning on keeping the puppy? I can see that you want it through your eyes." Taka asked.

"I kinda do... But the school doesn't allow pets do they? The only exception to the rule was hamster man but he's the ultimate breeder so it makes sense." Mondo said wrestling with the puppy with one hand.

"He seems to like you a lot." Taka said trying to pet the puppy. By that time, the rest of the gang had come back.

"Oh! A puppy!" Chihiro said as he ran to the pair.

"Where did that puppy come from? We've only left you two for 30 minutes." Yasuhiro asked.

"Did you forget that stray animals exist?" Mondo said as he let Chihiro pet the puppy.

The group talked and played with the puppy until it was almost dark. By then the puppy had gotten tired and fell asleep on Taka's lap.

"What are we gonna do with the puppy?" Leon asked.

"Well, we can't just let the puppy live on the streets!" Chihiro answered.

"Mondo, you have experience taking care of dogs. Maybe you can adopt it." Yasuhiro suggested.

"I wish! The school doesn't allow pets!" Mondo replied.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." Yasuhiro said.

"Hmmm... Maybe we could convince the school to let you keep pets. Taka! You have the power to do that right?" Leon said.

"I'm a rule enforcer, not a rule maker." Taka replied.

"But, could you convince the headmaster to change the rules?" Chihiro asked.

Suddenly, a different voice spoke out.

"Ah! It has seems like you five mortals, want to keep this small fluffy beast, on the education grounds!" The five look to the source of the voice to see Gundam standing there, his hamsters peeking out of his scarf.

"Well, I, Gundam Tanaka! Can help you with that!" Gundam said.

"Really!? You can keep the puppy for us!?" Chihiro squeaked.

"Yes, yes. Since I am Gundam Tanaka! I can keep this fluffy beast for you! In fact, another mortal had asked me to look over her dark feline for her!" Gundam said posing, his hamsters posing with him.

"That's great! We could let him look over the puppy!" Leon cheered.

"Yes, yes. You can still see the fluffy beast often. But I am in full control of it!" Gundam said.

"Well, since you're the ultimate breeder. I guess it won't hurt." Mondo said, handing the puppy to Gundam.

"Hmm... It seems like this fluffy beast is in good health! It would get along with the other fluffy beasts that resides in my territory!" Gundam said looking at the puppy.

"Wait... How many animals do you have living in your dorm?" Yasuhiro asked the breeder.

"I have 50 at this current time!" Gundam said.

"WHAT!? How do you keep all of them in your dorm!?" Yasuhiro yelled.

"DARK MAGIC! I, Gundam Tanaka, have no restraints of his power! Now... What shall this beast be called mortal?" Gundam asked looking at the group.

"A name? Hmm..." Chihiro said thinking.

"How about Mochi? I think that would be a good name." Taka suggested.

"Mochi! An excellent name for this little fluffy beast!" Gundam said.

"Yeah, that's a cute name. It's almost as cute as yo-" Mondo said cutting himself off, luckily no one noticed.

"Then this beast shall be called Mochi! And I shall be looking over this little beast for you five mortals! You shall meet the beast anytime!" Gundam said petting the Mochi.

"Thank you Gundam for keeping the puppy for us!" Chihiro thanked the breeder.

"No problem short mortal. I will be taking good care of this beast Mochi." The five all were glad that the puppy is in good hands. They all decided to end their hangout and all went back to their dorms.

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