2. not so Little Women

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To all the fairies in the Winx Suite, imagine their surprise towage up to hear someone crashing open their door. As Bloom, Aisha, Terra, Musa and Stella got up and prepared for an attack, they were even more shocked to see a shaking Sky at the door.

Bloom walked straight up to him, unaware of the harsh gaze Stella was broadcasting and asked him softly "Sky, what's wrong, what happened?"He shook his head as tears welled up in his eyes, still shocked at seeing someone so cheerful covered in blood. "Eleanor, she ran into Sam, she collapsed, she was scratched... by a burned one. I saw Sam, he told me to tell you, Musa. He was on his way to see Dowling with her." Sky mumbled, flinching as everyone gasped and Musa whimpered into her hand.

Stella being the first one to snap out of her shock, wrapped her arm around Musa and rushed her out of the room the Headmistress Dowling's office, Sky, Bloom, Aisha and terra not far behind. After for Musa what felt like a life time, the girls and boy reached the office to find no one there.

"Oh god oh god oh god... where is she?" Musa whined, leaning against Stella as the tears flowed freely down her cheeks. Terra suddenly shook her arm and guessed "My father's greenhouse, that's where they'd be able to make the ZanBaq to help her." But as soon as the word greenhouse fell from her lips, the group had already darted away.

By the time they reached the greenhouse, it was pitch black in the night but they could hear Eleanor's whimpers and occasional shouts, Sam's whispers of comfort hiding's own tears and Silva and Dowling's argument. Musa immediately broke free from Stella and Aisha's grip, running towards her sister as Terra joined her father in treating Eleanor.

"Nelly.... nell no.." Musa whispered as she grabbed her sisters hand and placed her head on Elle's shoulder. Professor Harvey looked up momentarily at Musa and ventured "Are you a mind fairy like your sister?". Musa nodded her head, looking up at the Professor with wide eyes. He moved closer to her and held her shoulders as he explained "You can take away some of her pain. Instead of pushing away the emotions, pull it in." Musa nodded got ready, but her sisters pain and screams were too much for her to handle and she ran out, Aisha following to see what was wrong.

Professor Harvey then turned to Sam. "Son, keep calming her down, it seems to be working." and he then turned to the girls and Sky and admitted her condition. "Three deep slashes across her stomach. I'll be able to help her for the time being, but she needs the support from her friends when she wakes up. I'm afraid she won't be able to get up until the Burned One who did this is killed, but that will be taken care of. After that last dose of ZanBaq, she should fall asleep fairly easily but when she wakes up i think it would be best if you were all here."

The group nodded, tears rolling down their cheeks to their wobbly lips. Bloom and Stella both leaned into Sky, who was hiding his tears in Bloom's hair. Sam was the worst of all of them, silently shaking as he wrapped his hands around Elle's arm, stroking her hair and whispering words from her favourite books. Professor Harvey looked at his son in sorrow, but when his daughter went to comfort him he pulled Silva and Headmistress Dowling to the other side of the room.

"Is it just me, or should three cuts that deep knocked her out straight away? How did she stay conscious for an hour?" Silva whisper shouted, as the three looked at the girl in question. Dowling shook her head and whispered back "I have no idea, but when we got here, she started glowing, things started shaking, I don't think she's an ordinary mind fairy." Both of the men looked at her strangely so she continued "I've been looking into it, I think that she expanded her powers, like the fairies did thousands of years ago. Mind fairies used to expand their connections, from the people close to them to the other elements, causing them to be able to master fire, water, earth, air and mind. No one today's ever seen it." All three of the teachers looked over at the vulnerable girl, a frown etched on her sleeping face. Dowling sighed and concluded "I'll ask her about it when she wakes, and if it's true, I'll help teach her how to use it."

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