I Promise *sexual abuse tw, abuse tw*

882 12 17

Jack thanked the cashier before carrying the ice creams outside to where Morrigan was waiting for him at a table for two. Well, where she should have been waiting for him. Instead he saw one of the chairs was overturned. Something had happened. Something bad.

He pulled his eyepatch off his eye to try and get a better understanding of the situation, but in his state of panic, all Jack could see was an array of colours that were blinding to him. He groaned in frustration before pulling the eyepatch back over his eye.

"Sir. excuse me, Sir!" Jack had turned to one of the customers near by. "Did you see a girl? A young girl. With black eyes and black hair. She's short and she's wearing a black dress."

The man was older, and when he spoke, his voice had an edge of a rasp to it. "I saw her sitting over at that table two minutes ago—" He pointed a wrinkled finger to the table in which Jack and Morrigan were previously occupying. "Oh...it seems that she has disappeared."

Jack rolled his eyes and slammed the ice cream on the table before sprinting off, leaving the desserts to melt.

"Morrigan!" Jack screamed and yelled until he could use his voice no longer. He felt as if he had run half of Nevermoor trying to find the girl he cared about the most. He made his way back to the area that the ice cream shop was, intending to ask if anyone had seen Morrigan.

As Jack passed an alleyway, he smelt the unmistakable stench of stale alcohol. He scrunched his nose at the smell and turned his head down the alleyway to see what was the cause of it. The sight that met his eyes was something that he would never forget.

"Come on, little lady. That's it." Jack was frozen. As much as he wanted to rip his hands off her, he couldn't move. The man's hands ran up her thighs, stopping at the hem of her dress. "I wonder what's under here." From his mouth exploded villainous laughter.

"Something special, Mark." His friend was looming over her, his eyes running over her body, his fingertips tracing over her collarbone. His fingers traveled down about four inches, and that's what caused Morrigan to let loose a blood curdling scream.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!" Jack's body was no longer frozen. He ran into the alley, pushing the two men against the walls. He turned to Morrigan. "Run, Mog, please."

"But, Jack, what about—"


Jack turned back to the two men as he heard the hammering of Morrigan's shoes on the cobblestone floor, evidence that she had left.

"Ahh, and who are you?" asked the man who earlier had his disgusting hands on Morrigan's legs. Mark, his friend had called him.

"You do not need to know my name, but what you should know is that my uncle is Captain Jupiter North and he can arrest you in a heartbeat. He is very fond of that girl and will stop at nothing to hunt down the men who hurt her. I have one of your names," He nodded towards Mark, "and I have your descriptions, so expect a knock on the door in a couple days' time."

"She's North's little girl?" asked Mark to his friend. His only response was a shrug of the shoulders, causing him to loudly swear and run out of the alley, his friend following behind.

Jack turned his back to the wall behind him and slunk down to the floor. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and let his head hang in his hands.


He looked to the entrance of the alley and saw the silhouette of Morrigan. He stood up as she ran over to him and attacked him with a hug.

"I thought I told you to run?"

"You did, I just couldn't leave you."

Jack slowly nodded, and tightened his grip around Morrigan's waist. They stood there silently, comfortable in each other's embrace. It was only until Morrigan had started shaking that Jack noticed she was crying. He pulled away and gently held her hands in his.

"Breathe, it's okay. I'm here. You're safe."

Morrigan nodded, but the tears wouldn't stop streaming down her cheeks. Her face had gotten red, her eyes growing puffier. Jack gently reached up wiped the tears from her eyes.

"How did this happen?" whispered Jack. His eyebrows furrowed together in concern for Morrigan.

"I don't know," sobbed Morrigan. "You left, and next thing I know, I'm being lifted up, out of my chair and I was taken into this stupid alleyway. They started touching me and every time I would try to scream they would hit me."

Jack shook his head. "You weren't defending yourself. Why?"

This made fresh tears pool in Morrigan's eyes. "As they hit me all I could see was my father."

"Your father?" Jack's brow furrowed in confusion but he connected the dots. "Oh, Morrigan, I am so sorry. You didn't deserve that."

"I did. I was cur—"

"Morrigan Crow! You are not a curse on anyone, okay? For once in your life, listen to what Uncle Jove tells you and never bring up that ridiculous curse thing again. And if someone is hurting you, I want you to scream, and kick, and bring as much attention to yourself as possible because nobody is allowed to place anything but a kind, caring hand on you."

Morrigan nodded and rested her head on Jack's chest, wrapping her arms around him tighter, letting the last of her tears flow freely.

Jack stroked her back in large gentle circles. He bent his head down lower to whisper in her ear, "I love you, Morrigan. I'm going to protect you from now on, I promise."

978 words

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