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The heat dragged Morrigan down as she walked through the streets. With each step, more energy was drained from her body. Her arms hung limp by her side and she was struggling to keep her eyes open.

Even though Jupiter had forbidden it, Morrigan had left school early that day. She couldn't handle it any more. Coming back to school after the pandemic had been a living hell. Everyone knew she was a Wundersmith. Nevermoor citizens stood at the gates to Proudfoot House everyday, trying to catch a glimpse of the young girl.

Today, however, The Concerned Citizens of Nevermoor showed up. They claimed keeping a Wundersmith a secret was nothing the Wundrous Society should be proud of. They threatened the Elders saying they were going to attack Proudfoot House. Morrigan's school was like a second home to her. She didn't know what would happen if it was brought to the ground.

During lunch, Unit 919 had decided to spend some time together in the gardens. That was until the Citizens outside the gates started screaming and yelling at Morrigan. In a state of anger, and overwhelming anxiety, she ran right around the building and climbed over the gates at the back. Once she had touched the ground she started sprinting not exactly knowing where she was going.

After minutes of running, Morrigan looked around. She realised she didn't recognise where she was. She had let her emotions control her actions once again. She found a bench to sit at and tried to catch her breath. It was unbelievably hot. She pulled her hair tie out of her hair to tie her hair up in a messy bun, trying to get the nonexistent breeze to her neck.

That was three hours ago. Now Morrigan was still wondering the streets of Nevermoor, trying to find her way back home.


"We can't just leave her out there, Thaddea! They're all looking for her!" yelled Hawthorne.

"She's thirteen and a Wundersmith. She can handle herself."

"That's exactly it," interrupted Anah. "She's thirteen and a Wundersmith. She is a child that every citizen in this city is trying to get their hands on. She isn't safe out there."

"Miss Cheery!"

Cadence had spotted their conductor walking across the gardens. She ran over, leading the Unit with Thaddea bringing up the rear.

"Oh, hello guys! Is everything alright?"

"No!" yelled Hawthorne and Cadence at the same time.

"Our best friend is missing," explained Hawthorne.

"Morrigan. She's run out the gates. Well, she climbed over the gates. The back ones," evaluated Cadence.

"When was this?" asked Miss Cheery.

"About 10 minutes ago."

"Look, Miss, I think Morrigan will be fine. She can handle herself. She knows this city like the back of her hand and she's a Wundersmith!"

"Thaddea! I understand you are quite a confident young lady, but the only people who have Nevermoor imprinted in their brains are people with a geography knack. Now, does anyone have anything important this afternoon? You're all coming home if not. I'm not sure if I'll be able to come back and pick you up. I need to help find Morrigan."

"Um, Miss I have an exam. Apparently helping out in the Hollowpox wards was not enough. I have to stay. I'm really sorry."

"Don't be sorry at all. I'll try to come collect you after school. If I cannot, I will contact the Elders and we will work something out, alright?"

Anah nodded her agreement and walked back into Proudfoot House while the rest of the Unit walked to Proudfoot Station with their conductor. Once they got there, they climbed inside their train. Cadence and Hawthorne shared a bean bag, while Francis and Mahir sat on the couch. Arch, Thaddea and Lam sat on separate cushions on the floor. Miss Cheery sat down in an arm chair facing the children.

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