Part 12

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"They plan to kill Kol." Said Klaus, staring at Damon as he pressed harder into his throat "You knew about this didn't you!" He threw Damon against the wall.
"I had no idea, I swear." Damon huffed out. "A little help here (y/n)" He said as he pulled himself off the floor.
You were still in shock at the news but you didn't know what came over you to take off towards Gilbert residence. Not even bother to help Damon.
Despite everything you couldn't just let them kill Kol. Not without at least reasoning with him. And overlooking your unspoken feelings towards him, the town would have to deal with 3 angry grieving original vampires if they killed him. 
You finally burst through Gilbert's front door when you hear a loud commotion inside. You run  into the kitchen just in time to see Jeremy stab Kol with the white oak stake.
Kol screamed so loudly you thought your ears might bleed. Your heart drops to your stomach as  he looks over at you standing under the archway with pain in his eyes. He stumbles a few feet forward and you move to go help him but he's whole body becomes doused in flames. You were horrified. Frozen in your spot as he moved to the center of the room screaming only to fall dead onto the floor. You watched silently as the flames around him died down.
You were left standing there not knowing what to feel. You had always liked Kol, something drew you to him, something you couldn't deny but he had betrayed you and hurt you on multiple occasions. And to be honest you barely even knew him. But you still felt a hole in your heart as you saw what remained of him. With him gone you felt lonelier than you ever had.
You were only pulled from your thoughts and mixed emotions when you heard Klaus outside. He hadn't been invited in yet so he couldn't pass the threshold. But as he stared at his youngest brother's charred body you could see the pain and devastation he felt over his brother's death but even more so you could see the anger for his killers.
What came next all happened so quickly you couldn't keep up. Bonnie has shown up only to have Jeremy invite Klaus in. He immediately chased after the two siblings in an effort to kill them but Bonnie was able to trap him in the living room.
To say Klaus was angry was an understatement. You had seen him angry before but this held no comparison to those times.
You were still just standing in the kitchen. Standing over what was left of Kol's body. You slowly moved to stand near Elena and Jeremy. Not wanting to stare at Kol's body on the floor anymore, you turned to watch Klaus bang on the walls in the living room he was trapped in.
Klaus turned around and saw you standing with the others. "You! You helped them kill my brother. You must have known! You must have been in on their plan! Well I bet you're happy now! I can change that."
Before you could even process what he was saying he ran over to the threshold where you stood. He moved a close as Bonnie's spell would let him.You were too shocked to move as he stared into your eyes "You remember everything that happened to you in St. Petersburg 1914." The words were simple but just like that they made it all come back to you.
It was like it had just happened yesterday. All of it, from your first sunrise in over 50 years to the magical nights you spent with Kol that year. But as fast as it came it was gone. All the beautiful memories ruined by the sight of the body of the man you had loved laying on the floor. The tears started to slide down your face at the realization that he had been murdered by your own friends and family.
You couldn't even hold yourself up anymore. You clasped onto your knees looking at the charred remains of the original. Only to become hysterical when you saw him.
"What did you do to her!" Jeremy yelled running to your side trying to help you stand up. But you refused to.
"Oh nothing, I just gave her back something I took from her a long time ago. I hope it gives you a taste of what I feel." Sneered klaus. He took joy at your pain but you were too busy breaking to even notice.
"Come on Jeremy let's get out of here." Elena said trying to get her brother out the door before anything else could happen. Jeremy wrapped an arm around you and helped you to your feet as he struggled to pull you out the door.
You tried screaming to tell him to stop, you didn't want to leave Kol there. You just couldn't accept he was dead and you were not going to abandon him now. You needed to stay.
Bonnie saw you fighting back and in an attempt to hush you up she used her magic on you to calm you down. But it felt more like knocking you out because you didn't come back to focus till you were back at the mansion.
Back at the house Elena, Caroline and Bonnie have been waiting eagerly for Jeremy's tattoo to grow. All the while Jeremy was too busy still trying to calm you down and talk to you while Matt just set next to you trying to be supportive. When you came to after Bonnie's spell you had finally stopped crying, you hadn't said anything to anyone yet. You only sat there in silence as you tuned out all the voices around you.
Everything felt as though you were in a dream and you would soon wake up and it would all be over. You would be back at the like house in the woods with Kol.
You remained quiet but out of fear of breaking down again and the fact you couldn't even imagine what to say. How do you explain that you had forgotten you were in love with a dead man, when everytime you try to speak you lose the little grip you have on your life right now?
Damon finally walked in, having fully recovered from being drained of his blood earlier. He looked over at you, and upon seeing the terrible condition you were in he only sarcastically retorted with "What happened to you?"
You barely glanced his way before he continued on. "You know what it doesn't matter right now cause we have one original down and soon Jeremy's tattoo will grow to its full size." Jeremy gave your brother a nasty look but it didn't even faze Damon.
Finally Stefan got home and finally everyone was here. "What's wrong with (y/n)?" He asked. Actually sounding like he sympathized with you unlike your older brother.
Jeremy decided to speak up for you knowing you weren't going to talk about what had happened to you. "We're not sure yet. Klaus did something to her."
"We think he compelled her to remember something." Added Bonnie
"He said something about St. Petersburg 1914" you shuddered at Jeremy's words as they brought back more of the pain of losing Kol and a few more tears rolled down your cheek as you buried your head in your hands.
"It doesn't matter right now. We'll fix (y/n) once we find the cure." Damon said, waving off your current state as just another bump in the road for him.
"Come on Damon could you be a little more sensitive? She is your sister." Jeremy said standing up from where he had been kneeling next to you.
"Jeremy just drop it." Elena said, stepping in between the two boys.
"No Elena, Jeremy is right." Stefan said, jumping into the fight.
"Oh lookie here it's hero Stefan coming to save his little sister. You're just playing the better man act like you always do." Damon said, dramatically waving his hands around.
The three of them started to argue and soon everyone else had jumped in. You couldn't even hear who was saying what over the other people shouting. It wasn't even about what Damon had said anymore. It was now about Elena choosing Damon over Stefan and her sire bond to him. Then it was about Bonnie and her new magic, then of course it was Caroline and her thing with Klaus.
Your head was so busy still swarming with all the new/old memories you had when you heard it. Jeremy's piercing scream as he tore off his shirt watching as his tattoo grew and spread across his arm. Hearing him scream only brought back flashes of Kol's death and you could barely hold yourself up again as Matt tried to calm you down.
You tried to take deep breaths and you glanced over to check on Jeremy. Once you saw the tattoo you felt it. That growing pain you had felt in the pit of your stomach earlier when you saw Kol die. It had started off as just a small pain in your abdomen but now it was overwhelming. It felt like your insides were melting.
You started to cough violently "Guys over here!" Matt yelled trying to get the others attention. He was the only one who hadn't left your side as the others fought. Matt took hold of your shoulders and tried to hold you up so you didn't fall.
You could see Stefan and Damons faces drop as they rushed over to your side and helped lay you down on the floor. You looked in your hand as you kept coughing. You hadn't realized you had started coughing up this black ooze like blood. "No No No! You weren't supposed to die! Why are you dying?" Damon said frantically trying to stop your coughing.
"Damon Katherine didn't turn her. It was a different vampire. He must have been part of Kol's sire line." Stefan said, taking hold onto your hand. You knew this would happen, once you got your memories back you knew you were to die. But you could see it in your brothers eyes that this was it and there was nothing you could do about it now.
You tried to relax, to not fight the coughing but the black flood just kept coming. "No no she can't be the one to die! She's not supposed to die Stefan! She's our baby sister." Damon kept trying to stop your coughing and to clean up the blood you were coughing up. He tried to help you sit up but you just couldn't. You were too weak. Stefan still held onto your right hand and you tried to get Damon to take your other hand but he wasn't going to give up on trying to stop you from dying.
It was all slowly closing in on you. You felt colder and colder with each passing second. Like you had been drained of all the blood in your body. You looked at the people around you. Elena trying to be supportive for Jeremy while he looked at you with so much guilt on his face. Matt sitting on the couch with tears in his eyes with Bonnie holding his hand. And of course your two brothers who knelt over your dying body. Stefan who was doing his best to be strong and calm for you as he always was and Damon who held so much panic and sadness in his face.
As the blackness clouded your vision you felt calmed knowing after everything your brothers had said and done that at the end of it they were with you.

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