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harry_styles: hey

taylorswift: hii, who is this?

harry_styles: i'm not sure if u know me but we both go the same school we're in the same english class too

taylorswift: oh

taylorswift: are you that curly guy with green eyes?

harry_styles: yah

taylorswift: ooh! i wonder how we never talked

harry_styles: yeah..

taylorswift: how did you get my kik username tho?

harry_styles: um, a friend gave it to me

taylorswift: may i ask who?

harry_styles: ed.

harry_styles: please don't think im creepy or anything, i just needed someone to talk to...

taylorswift: its perfectly fine :) i'm taylor swift btw

harry_styles: thx and im harry styles

harry_styles: nice to meet you

taylorswif: you too!

harry_styles: so what are u upto ?

taylorswift: texting my boyfriend

harry_styles: who is that boyfriend (if you don't mind me asking)

taylorswift: it's joe

harry_styles: joe jonas? captain of the football team?

taylorswift: yup , thats him :-)

harry_styles: oh cool

taylorswift: yeh but he doesn't spend enough time with me, i feel neglected and left out :( we barely get to talk and even if we do its thru text

harry_styles: yeh well but popular people tend to be that way

taylorswift: hmm

harry_styles: hey so i have to go its dinner time ttyl xx

taylorswift: bye! x


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