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taylorswift: hiiiii !!

harry_styles: heyy

harry_styles: how did ur date with joe go

taylorswift: um... it sucked

harry_styles: why

taylorswift: he had invited his friends too and that ruined everything

taylorswift: i dont think he likes me anymore harry :(

harry_styles: what no ofc he likes u

harry_styles: he'd be crazy not to

harry_styles: i mean who could reject u....

taylorswift: is that a compliment :P

harry_styles: yeh :') !!!!

taylorswift: well then ty harry <13

harry_styles: why did u put <13 instead of <3

taylorswift: bc 13 is my lucky number :D

harry_styles: ohh

taylorswift: yeh so sup

harry_styles: waiting

taylorswift: for what

harry_styles: the end

taylorswift: the end of what?!?

harry_styles: my life

taylorswift: shuT uP ok ur an amazing person and u deserve sooooooo much love and i mean this ok

harry_styles: thanks tay but its not that...

taylorswift: then what is it

harry_styles: i have this crush on a girl but i dont think she likes me and she has a boyfriend

taylorswift: oh...

taylorswift: r u friends with this girl or sumthin

harry_styles: yeh i guess i am

taylorswift: i have to go now bye xx

harry_styles: wtf

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