I returned back home and went straight to greet my parents, especially my Dad. It wasn't that often that we would get to see him due to the amount of work he has been doing lately.

"Hey pumpkin!" he said, giving me a huge hug.

"Hey Dad! How was work?" I asked as I returned his hug.

  "Yeah um, about that..." he then let go of me and took a seat with a sigh.

Before Dad could open his mouth to say something, there was stomping and yelling. Sure enough, when I looked over my shoulder I saw the four most annoying siblings on this planet. Lucas who was 18, Laura who was 13, Ella 10, and William who was 4.

  "ALEXANDRIA!!!!!!" they all shouted and screamed.

  I rolled my eyes with a grin and responded, "You know, I was literally just gone for 5 minutes to grab some food, right? I don't understand why all of you are so happy to see me."

"We miss you," replied William and stumbled over to give me a hug. Although he was annoying, he was still the cutest living thing on earth.

  I hugged him back then greeted all the others. Once I was done, I realized Dad never got to tell me what happened. So I turned around to asked him, but then he was gone. Curiosity grew within me, but I decided to let go for now. Whatever he needed to tell me he could tell me later.

  Later that night we all sat down at the supper table and ate till our stomaches were satisfied. Today, for once, we actually had a decent meal. Dad was awfully quiet the whole time and didn't even say a peep. I could tell Mom was concerned as well so she asked him, "Is something wrong my dear?"

  "Well, uh.....I am just enjoying my food, that's all."

  "You sure Dad? You haven't even touched your plate once. Come on, spill it," Lucas added in.

  "Fine. Today I got cut off of work. Basically they fired me. Happy now?" he yelled. This surprised me because Dad hardly yells. I can tell mom is surprised too.

"I am sorry.... it's just.... we already are poor enough and now I have to find a new way to make the money we need to be able to buy us food."

"It's okay daddy, I can help," William offered.

William then wobbled up to his room and came back down with his piggy bank in his hands. He went back to the table, opened up the piggy bank, and then shook out all of his savings which ended up only being six pennies and two dimes.

"That is..." William started to count with his fingers to add up how much it was.

  "Hundred dollars!!!!!" he exclaimed, clapping his hands together.

Dad looked at him with a sad smile and said, "Thank you, William."

  "Hey Dad! I have an idea! Why don't I start working somewhere? After all, I am seventeen," I exclaimed. I was sort of dreading it but if I have to do it for the sake of my family, you might as well call it a done deal.

  "I guess so, but you do understand that it takes a lot of responsibility and commitment," he warned me.

   Before I can answer, Laura cut me off.

  "Can I help? Can I?! Can I?!"

  "I guess I can get a evening shift too," Lucas chimed in.

Soon enough, after a while of coming up with more ideas, it was already ten o'clock. Almost everyone in the house was asleep so I decided it was time for me to hit the sack too.

When I started to breach my bedroom, I heard something, and it was coming from there. I slowly walked towards the door, hoping it was one of my siblings.

But they are never allowed in there, really no one is, I thought to myself.

  And plus, they're asleep.

I but my brave face on, stand tall, and cautiously and slowly walked into the room.

The windows were wide open as breezes of wind blew in. Nothing seemed touched or stolen. But then, I noticed something.

There was a letter and a big box gently placed on my bed.

DUN DUN DUN!!!!!! Also, real quick. Do you think i should do this to my hair?

 Do you think i should do this to my hair?

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Idk tho, but i like it. Let me know! Lol

See ya until next update! Sorry if it ends up being next week or something though, but just be on the lookout!

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