Hide The Baby Part 3

Start from the beginning

If it were up to Connor, number 15's door would also be bolted shut.

Jason sighed as he watched after Will, turning and heading out the door after a blank four minutes of nothing.

Percy awoke to the loud sound of a metal pot colliding with the tiled flooring of his kitchen.

Oh, hi Nico, he thought as his eyes started to flicker.

"Dude, how many times?! He has a door for a reason!"

Percy trained his eyes on the brightly lit TV as he listened out for Nico's response.

A faint metally swish followed by a loud clang was his this-time answer. Seemed Nico was finally getting a bit creative.

"Jason showed up."


"Fair enough then. You leave Will? Did you see his face before you Nico'd out of there?"

Percy snorted sleepily, the term Nico'd so funny to his tired brain.

"I did not 'Nico out of there' thank you," Nico ignored the overly cheery 'You're welcome' he recieved from Connor. "But yes. I did indeed see his face. I would just like to tell you that I don't like you, and if you could tell Percy I love him, that would be great."

Percy was just about to whisper out a quiet 'I love you too' before his front door slammed open and closed.


As he walked past the couch and into the kitchen, Will leaned down to peck Percy on the forehead before smiling gently.

Percy closed his eyes happily, smiling wide.

"Don't kill him Will, you'll make Percy sad."

Will's eye narrowed, judgy blue eyes snapping from Connor to Nico and back.

Eventually, he only rolled his eyes before calling out to Percy.

"Percy sweetie, do you think you could come here for a second?"

Will ignored Connor's indignant growl of "Never call me sweetie."

Nico rolled his eyes, grabbing the metal pot that Connor had launched at him earlier from off the counter, twisting it in his grip before chucking it at Connor.

"Get used to it."

Connor turned to look at Will, eyes wide after having ducked just in time to not get hit in the head.

"He's right. I ain't ever calling you sweetie."

Percy shuffled into the kitchen, one hand on his stomach as the other rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"Who not you call sweetie? I sweetie, right? Still sweetie?"

Connor snorted, letting the cupboard door thud closed lightly as he pulled down the tin of carrots. "Try again Perce."

"I sweetie." Steely eyes stared back at the three of them as Percy crossed his arms over his chest before dropping a hand back to his stomach instead.

"Baby sweetie."

Connor paused what he was doing, tapping the tin against the counter when he found it wouldn't open. When that did nothing, he tossed it over his shoulder before practically sticking his head into the cupboard. Again.

"Your tired brain astounds me, even now."

Nico caught the carrots effortlessly, saving himself a black eye in the process.

"Big word coming from you, that." As an afterthought, more to Will than anything, he added, "As if Connor Stoll knows what astounds means."

Connor chucked the stupid tin of tomatoes over his should after having unfortunately dented it right down the middle. It hadn't even opened!

"I don't really. Heard Annabeth mention it once or twice though."

Nico nodded as if that made sense, watching Connor push aside tin can after tin can as he looked for 'the right one'.

"Please accept my sincerest apologies, I didn't mean to overestimate your skills and make you feel smart."

Nico finished, only to groan and roll his eyes as he stomped over to Connor and pushed him out of the way.

Will, horrified, snatched the now-open tin of carrots out of Percy's hands, flicking away the handful he had been raising towards his mouth.


The face Percy pulled really expressed how stupid he thought Will was.

"But 'm 'ungry." He whined. He glanced down to his belly, rubbing a gentle circle with his hand before looking back up at Will. "We're hungry."

"If Connor wasn't a new born puppy with the brain of a rubber ball, dinner would be done by now."

Connor shuffled backwards slightly, rasing his head from inside one of the lower cupboards in order to stare at Nico distastefully.

"That was oddly specific."

"I know."

"Shut up, I'm hungry."

Connor looked towards what you could see of the TV screen from where he now stood in the kitchen, the pregnant woman - who he couldn't remember the name of - from before back again, pulling along a sulking child as another woman had a tantrum behind them.

He looked from Annoyed-looking Pregnant Lady to Nico, gesturing with his head towards Percy and then to the screen as he caught Nico's eyes.

Nico looked from the screen - where the woman having a tantrum stood stunned after being silenced with a kiss from the pregnant lady - to Percy too.

He carelessly flung the unfortunate tin of mushy peas over his shoulder as he declared his new idea to the whole floor's occupants.

"Let's order, shall we?"

And they were all too busy thrumming with excitement - or in Percy's case, hopping around way too happily - to continue on Nico and Connor's original conversation, Jason gone from all of their minds for the moment.

"Wait, can Patrick have some too?"

Connor stopped, turning to stare at Percy, confused.

"Who's Patrick?"

Percy's gaze dropped down to his belly once more.

"Oh, uh-uh, no way. You're not naming that baby Patrick."

"But Spongebob said-"

Connor turned to hit his head against the nearest hard surface with a weird whimpery-groan that made Will look concerned.

"You really do have some weird dreams, don't you Perce?"

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