Saved by the Bell

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How could I've seen this coming? As Peter and the rest of the boys turned towards the voice, their faces became white with hysteria. "Easy now Felix, put the knife down," Peter urged as he raised his hand. However, Felix didn't want to cooperate. "NO!" he yelled. "This has been going on for too long! Now, drop your weapons or the girl dies!" With that, he steadied himself to have a tighter grip on the dagger. I closed my eyes, praying that I would come out of this alive. What was Felix doing? What did he mean, what 'went on for too long'?" Peter nodded with a poker face and placed his arms up in surrender. The rest of the boys followed Peter and threw their weapons to the ground. Felix smiled and turned his head to the side, "Tie em' up!"

At Felix's command, several boys came out of nowhere with bundles of rope in their hands. The boys went to work at tying up Peter, Yellow, and Peter's boys. Yet, these boys were familiar...they were Peter's! I recognized some of them from the my first day at the hideout, but one in particular stood out. It was Devin, I watched as he tugged at Peter's ropes and ushered him towards Felix. My best friend, was also a traitor. I told him things that I'd never told anyone, and this is what he does. As our eyes met, Devin quickly looked away with a fowl smile, as if I was nothing to him.

Why, why are they doing this? Where did it all go wrong? A river of tears came running down my cheeks, I couldn't believe this was reality. "The boy who never grew up, huh? Pathetic, you weak pitiful loser," Felix said as he stood before Peter. He looked down at Peter with intimidation, all dominant and mighty. But, I knew Peter and he was much stronger than Felix, he could knock him out easily. "I wanna tell you a story, a story that will shed some light on the situation," Felix continued. What was this guy up to? "Felix, I know you. Whatever this is, I know that you don't want to hurt anyone," Peter assured with a gentle voice. As Peter said this, Felix began to fidget. Felix's grip on the dagger began to loosen, yet, he still held on. "You don't know me! All you care about is yourself! Now listen Pan!" Felix angrily yelled as he sliced a deep cut into my cheek. I cried in pain and bit my lip as Felix held the dagger to my neck once again, thinly coated with my blood. I could feel warm blood begin to pour out of the cut, like melted wax on a burning candle.

Both Peter and Devin gasped in awe as they observed me in my state of pain, neither of them were able to do anything. Then, Devin clenched his fists and tried to swing at Felix, "I didn't sign up for this you bastard!" Unfortunately, Devin missed and was knocked out by an upcoming fist from Felix. "DEV...," I screamed, but was soon cut off by a hand over my mouth. Felix heavily pushed his hand on my mouth, making it somewhat hard to breath. "Shh, I'm talking," Felix said as he motioned for someone to take Devin's place. "Once upon a time, Peter Pan, the king of Neverland, was flying around the island to have a little fun."

Felix began to rock back and forth, rocking me with him. "Then, he stumbled upon a pirate ship and met a girl! Her name was Stephanie." Where is he going with this? "Peter and Stephanie grew very close. In fact, they fell in love with each other!" There was a long moment of silence. I uncontrollably blushed a deep red and Peter looked like he was going to puke. The tension increased with every passing minute, making it even harder to breathe. "Peter's love for Stephanie was so strong that he put it before his own boys! He wanted nothing in his life but her. He believed that he couldn't live without her!" Was Felix speaking the truth? Did Peter really feel that way about me? Maybe I shouldn't leave...

As I looked into Peter's eyes, I could see the pain that was there. He tried to hide his face by looking down at his feet, yet the crimson was still showing. Felix was right about everything he said, Peter loved me and I was the world to him. "So, some of the boys decided to take action against Peter. I helped lead the rebellion as a fearless leader." I rolled my eyes at the utterly annoying comment. Then, what was said next left me in a trauma. "As the leader, I stole the dagger," Felix snickered. I became wide-eyed and looked up to Felix. How did he steal it? Then it hit me like a bullet straight to my brain...he took it when I was asleep next to him.

I trusted him, he told me that we would get through this together, but he was my problem this whole time. What a monster, to be betraying Peter like this because of his feelings towards me. "I thought stealing the dagger would loosen your love for Stephanie, but I guess it didn't. Instead you're a sluggish, anemic, and puny stranger that I don't know anymore! (A/N: NOW YOU'RE JUST SOMEBODY THAT I USED TO KNOW!)" Unexpectedly, Felix pushed me to the side and roughly kicked Peter in the shins. Peter yelled in agony and fell to his side. Then, Felix kicked Peter once again, but in the stomach. Peter began to cough out dark almost black-like blood.

Kick after kick, blood was being coughed out everywhere. The scene was horrific, it was something out of The Shining. I couldn't watch this inhumanity any longer, I needed to do something. I loved Peter, and I knew that he loved me. That meant that if he was willing to risk his life for me, I would do the same for him. I charged at Felix and karate kicked him to the ground. As soon as he hit the floor, I went to Peter and placed his head on my lap. "It's okay Peter, I'm here now. I won't let anything hurt you!" I cried as I caressed his cheek.

"You won't let anything hurt him, but what will keep anything from hurting you?!" Felix said as he got back up. "I will," Peter croaked. Then, I turned back to Peter, "If you die, then let's die together." Though, Peter laughed, "I'm immortal, remember?" Wow, way to kill the moment. I just laughed and shook my head, "I don't give a fuck, I love you Peter." As I said that, it felt like a weight got lifted off my chest, and now I'm flying. This was what Peter meant, my happy thoughts. "I love you too," Peter winced as he pulled me down for a soft kiss. I missed the touch of his lips, I could've died just then and there. As we separated, I couldn't help but cry even more. "I've been wanting for you to say that for such a long time," I said as I remembered the time I fell in love with Peter when I was little. I had such an amazing childhood.

"A princess like you shouldn't cry," Peter gently said as he wiped my tears away. He pulled me into a hug and I tightly hugged back. "I don't want this moment to end," I wished. Suddenly, Felix stood before us. "Hey, can I kill you now?" he asked as he held out the dagger. But, before Felix could do anything, a small figure came from behind him and knocked him out cold! "Not on my watch," our savior said with an accent. "TINK!"

A/N: Hiya! Sorry if this chapter sucked. It was midnight and I really wanted to finsh this chapter. Haha also, sorry if the second to last paragraph is really fluffy. I just wanted to tie up loose ends because...this story is coming to an end. DUN DUN DUN! I had so much fun writing and the feelz train is gonna crash when I finish. But, thank y'all so much for all the reads and votes! I can't believe this fanfic got 1K reads! When I first started writing, I was just doing it for fun. Now, I write for fun and for you guys! You guys are my motivation to keep on updating each week. You guys are amazing! HUGS, HUGS ALL AROUND! Rofl, but there might be one or two more chapters left. ;( However, I've considered writing a...bonus chapter! YAY! Anyway, thanks for reading and the next chapter will be coming up real soon! BYE! :D

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