Beachside 7

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"Danny i'm really sorry about what happen last night" Emma pleaded to Daniel.. they were at the Beachside 7 Emma as a waiter and Daniel and Andi as lifeguards "it's okay Em i forgive you but promise me you wouldn't do it again" "i promise but.. tell me the truth why do you have it" "actually Mia told us about the Cristal de Caballero.. and Mia is trying to take you down so Me and Andi search for the Cristal de Caballero before her and Diego told us that our Old Principal destroy it and it was separated to three pieces.. that leads us to think that the Cristal de Cabllero is hidden somewhere in the principal office.. and we are right we have found it there" "wait where is the third piece?" "The council have the Third Piece" "Bye" Emma kissed Daniel's cheek and leave to continue her work

"What did Emma ask you" Andi asked Daniel while taking a break "she ask me on how i found that crystal" Daniel said and Andi's eyes widened "but of course i lie" He continue and Andi sigh in relief "what did you tell her" "i tell her that Mia wants to take her down which is true by using the Cristal de Caballero so we come to search for it before her then i also said that Diego told us that the Old Principal destroy it and that leads us to look in the principal's office, where we found the crystal" Andi clapped out of amusement "you are the best liar in the world Daniel Horatio Miller"

"Ok Emma take a break" Diego said "um Diego how'd you know that the Old Principle destroy the Crystal" just in time Andi walk to them to get Her and Daniel's drink. When Andi heard it she widened her eyes on Diego signaling him to think of a reason( Diego knows that Andi and Daniel are witch and wizard) " well Coach Julio tell to me... because you know he is the son of our Old Principal.................. oh hey Andi are you going to get your drinks" Andi nodded and Diego handed her the drinks "see you later Diego" Andi walk toward the tower 7 or the tower of the Lifeguards

"Here you go!" Andi said as she handed Daniel his drinks "so you threatened Diego to think of a reason?" "Yup" "well if i'm the best liar in the world you are the smartest blackmailer in the world, Andrea Cruz


Andi and Daniel are in the Witch's Council "so Andi and Daniel, how can we keep the crystal away from Maddie, Jax and Emma.... they can't have it or else you will know what happen" Desdemona started "but we kinda need to pass your powers to Emma because she is the Chosen One" Agamemnon finish... Andi and Daniel was in complete shock.. they can't just gave up their powers


Diego was in Mia's house practicing his Kanay skills "Mia we need to talk to you" Andi said which caught Mia's attention "what do you want" she replied "we need the third piece" Daniel said.. Diego smirk while Mia's evil grin appeared "why do you need the third piece of the Cristal de Caballero?" "We want to join you to destroy Emma" "Great, just what we need to destroy her" Diego declare.... Andi and Daniel never doubted on their decision mostly this time that they are talking about their powers

Sorry short update !!!! But i'll try to make a long one next time

What's their plan now that Andi and Daniel joined them?

Is Andi and Daniel really going to destroy Emma?

What can happen if they did?
Or if they didn't?

What will happen to Jandi and Demma, mostly now that Andi and Daniel are on quest to destroy Emma?

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