Chapter 41: One Thing After the Other Part 1

Start from the beginning

(3rd) POV:

What they all fail to realize is that a Heartless and a Dusk face each other in a fight atop of a cliff. The Heartless blasts at the Dusk, causing rocks to fly in the air. One rock ends up heading straight for King Mickey. Goofy notices this, worried about the King's safety.

(Harmony's) POV:

"Look out!" Goofy screams out, pushing King Mickey out of the way.

Then, all of a sudden, Goofy gets hit in the face by a huge rock, causing him to get knocked several feet away from us.

"Goofy!" I exclaim, worried.

While dad helps the King get back on his feet, the others and I all rush to Goofy's side, to see if he's alright or not.

"No..." the King says, not wanting to think of the worse.

"Goofy! Wake up, please wake up!" Madison pleads.

"Hey! You're the King's Captain! You gotta get up!" Donald calls out, shaking Goofy's body a little.

"C'mon, wake up!" Sora yells.

"You've got to! Goofy, please!" I plead, trying to keep myself from crying.

"I'm sorry about the ice cream!" Donald exclaims.

Kuro and Chibi start to lick or nuzzle their heads against Goofy, in hopes that he'll wake up. Even Stitch tries to help by shaking Goofy's shoulder.

"Goofy...?" the King calls out, in a quiet voice, still in shock of how Goofy risked his own life to save him. "He did it to save me..."

"Is he...?" Heisuke asks, too horrified of what the answer might be.

Madison looks up and slowly shakes her head, giving everyone the answer that we're all too afraid of. Goofy is...dead.

Donald lets out a quacking cry, tears taking form in his eyes. "Goofy..." he says, mourning for our friend.

No longer able to hold back my tears, I start to cry, wishing for it to not be true. I feel a hand on my shoulder, making me look up at Asch, who is also sad. He wraps his arms around me and gently rubs my back as I cry on his shoulder.

"This is not happening..." Sora says.

Hijikata sighs and looks away. "......He's gone, Sora..."

Despite what Hijikata said, Sora still tries to deny Goofy's death. "It can't be happening...It can't..."

I take a glance at the others, and notice that they are just as saddened by this. The King clenches his fists in anger and glares at where all the Heartless and Nobodies are fighting.

"They'll pay for this," the King declares.

My dad and the King then remove their black coats and summon their Keyblades. With determination, they set out to avenge Goofy. Not long after, Donald quacks in anger, him and the others following the King and my dad's lead. Asch helps me get on my feet, but I hesitate; my feet refuse to move. I know that we need to keep fighting, but there's a part of me that wants to stay, hoping for Goofy to wake up, to show that he isn't dead.

Asch notices my hesitation. "I know how you feel. But we need to protect the town. Goofy...He would want us to keep going. We can mourn his death once it's over."

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