kiyo falls for a deez nutz joke

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*soup, avocado asf and panta lover have come online*

panta lover: HI WHORES

avocado asf: whores?

panta lover: yes. whores.

avocado: at least i didn't get railed last night.

soup: repeat yourself?

avocado: so that was a lie.

panta lover: WHORE.

avocado: @not your mom SAVE ME

*not your mom has come online*

not your mom: what happened?

panta lover: backread

not your mom: what on earth

avocado: EXACTLY

not your mom: i cant help you. now go to bed, its 4 am.

*not your mom has gone offline*

panta lover: boring

soup: can you PLEASE change my name?

panta lover: FINE.

*panta lover has changed one name*

sucked amami's dick:

sucked amami's dick: this isnt any better.

avocado: hes not wrong

sucked amami's dick: shut it.

panta lover: hey kiyo?

sucked amami's dick: yes?

panta lover: did you hear about the sawcon incedent?

sucked amami's dick: no?

avocado: PLEASE NO

panta lover: SAWCON DEEZ NUTZ 🤣🤣🤣

sucked amami's dick: i hate you

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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