7.Summer 1992: The Weasley Girl

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AN- I'm back to writing. I had a bit of a break but I have a bunch of ideas and I'm so ready to get out new chapters

About a week has past since I arrived at Grimmauld Place. I've had a lot of fun I've grown really close with Tonks. I've learned that  she is a metamorphagus which means she can change her appearance at will.

"Morning sunshine" Tonks said sarcastically as I walked into the kitchen. "Morning buttercup" I teased. She stuck her tongue out at me.

Tonks was sitting at the excessively long kitchen table with some toast with jam and a coffee. I sat across from her and stole half of her toast.

"Hey! That's my toast!" Tonks cried. I looked at her and bit into the toast she rolled her eyes and gave a chuckle.

"The Weasley's are coming today" Tonks said while taking her dishes over to the sink. "Good, I've missed them."

A few hours later there was a knock on the door. I assumed it was they Weasleys and I was correct.

I ran downstairs and said hello to everyone. "Hello sweetie" said Molly. Everyone walked into the living room. Me and Ginny sat on the couch while Ron sat in the floor. Ginny was really pretty and every time I looked at her I got a weird feeling in my stomach.

Ron broke out some wizard chess and started playing with George. Me and Ginny started up a conversation "Hi I'm Ginny" she said with a smile.

From there it seemed like only a few minutes of our conversation but we soon learned that everyone had gone to bed. Ginny was very funny and sarcastic (so we obviously got on well). "Blimey, what time is it" Ginny said looking for a clock. I looked down at my wrist watch "Uh midnight" I said "Your joking. Well I guess we better get to bed" Ginny said getting up from the couch.

We stepped over Ron, who was sleeping on the floor. We walked past Kreature who mumbled something along the lines of "Mudblood and blood traitor, I would assume you two to be friends" Ginny had to hold me back from strangling him.

"I swear he's out to murder me" I said shivering. Ginny slightly chuckled while moving her hair out of her face.

There's the weird feeling in my stomach again.

We got up to our room. Ginny grabbed a large weird sisters tour shirt out of a bag "Turn around" she said.

I did. I grabbed a pair of black athletic shorts and a gray tee-shirt. I quickly changed. I turned around and saw Ginny already laying in bed.

I jumped into my bed and got under the covers. "Goodnight, gin" I said "Night"

I was just about to fall asleep when I realized something. The weird feeling in my stomach was butterflies. Do I have a crush on her? No I can't.

I fell asleep on this thought.

A New BeginningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora