3.Year One: The Sorting Ceremony

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AN- Tomorrow I will start writing a lot more I have been stressed out this week but I will promise at least a chapter a day

As we were walking in a nervous boy named Neville, the boy Hermione was talking about in the train earlier cried out "Trevor!" and grabbed a small toad.  The inside of the castle was even more beautiful than the outside McGonagall was waiting for the she was a tall, old, gray haired witch in emerald-green robes.

"Welcome to  Hogwarts, I'm Professor McGonagall." said McGonagall looking out at the bunch of kids. "The start-of-term feast will begin very shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall you will need to be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor the brave, Hufflepuff the patient, Ravenclaw the wise, Slytherin the ambitious. During your time at Hogwarts your House will be a lot like a family. Your triumphs will earn you House point, while any rule-breaking will lose you points. At the end of the year the House with the most point will win the House Cup" McGonagall explained

"The Sorting Ceremony will begin shortly in front of the school please wait here quietly" McGonagall said walking away. A blond haired boy with cold grey eyes came up to me "I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" said the boy holding out his hand, I don't know what is was about him but I just didn't like him at all. "Abbie James, pleasure" I said coldly.

"What's your family situation? Are they wizards?" questioned Malfoy. "They were muggles, they died in a car crash when I was 1" I answered "MUDBLOOD! EVERYONE WATCH OUT ITS A MUDBLOOD!" he exclaimed.

I stood there very confused I had no idea what a mudblood was. "Malfoy watch your mouth." said a voice, It was McGonagall she had returned. She opened the double doors into the Great Hall. It was lit by a bunch of candles that were floating in the air there were four long long tables containing groups of children in between the tables there was ghosts. at the front of the room there was another long table with teachers. I looked up at the ceiling which was black dotted with stars. Hermione whispered "It's bewitch to look like the sky I read about it in Hogwarts: A History"

I looked as McGonagall placed a four-legged chair stool in front of everyone she placed a old, frayed, and patched wizards hat upon the top of the chair. The hat sung a horrible song about each houses and all about them. I learned that all you have to do is put the hat on your head and the hat will look into your mind (I didn't like that sound of that). A few people went, getting sorted into different houses.

Harry,Ron, Hermione were sorted into Gryffindor. Draco was sorted into Slytherin. "James, Abbie!" I got a little nervous but walked on to the chair. "Hmm, Difficult" the hat spoke into my ear. This went on for a while but eventually that hat irrupted "HUFFLEPUFF!"A table full of yellow started cheering I walked over and sat next to a girl called Hannah.

Dumbledore, the Headmaster who was a old man with a long beard that was tucked in his belt. Gave a long speech, and then we had a delicious feast.

When we were done we went to our common rooms. Hufflepuff was lead by our prefect Gabrielle. I didn't pay much attention to the common room I was just trying to get to bed I was exhausted after this day full of shock.

When I laid in my four poster bed I almost immediately fell asleep.

I can't believe this is real

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