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That's it, car finally stopped, Will is in Hawkins, far, far away from derry, far away from that monster called Lonnie Byers, he's finally free from him, Will byers' life is starting here, new life, new town, new people.

He won't have to hide anymore, that monster can't hurt him anymore, Will is going to start new life here, maybe he'll meet Mike wheeler too... that's what makes him happier than ever.

* * *

Richie vol.2
So can you tell me more
about that boy who's basically
My doppelganger?

Well, he's idiot ngl😀

Richie vol.2
I through he was your
best friend

He is, and I love him but
he's really dumb sometimes
you two will like eachother

Richie vol.2
You don't even know me,
anyways, where does he

Now you're really acting like a
pedophile but I believe you cus
you really do look like richie
And we live in Maine

Richie vol.2
That's a far away
I live in shithole called

Trust me Derry is an ultimate
shithole, not Hawkins, that place
is beautiful

Richie vol.2
u serious?
hawkins is so ugly and
I want to live in derry
that place isn't as boring as

Nope, Derry is so boring, only
thing where I can have fun is
dumb arcade and a quarry where
I love to go with my friends

Richie vol.2
You have lots of friends?

Kinda, I have like 7 friends in our
Friends group

Richie vol.2
Woah that's a lot
I only have like 2 friends
That's cus I'm nerd and the
most boring kid in the
whole school😀

I'm not "popular kid" either
And I don't want to be

Richie vol.2
Can you send me a picture
of another me?


Richie vol.2
Huh? Why?

Because I can't send you his
pic without his permission, now
I have to go cus it's almost 5am
and I have to sleep.

Richie vol.2
That was weird
but okay bye

"Come on Will, you can't trust random strangers on internet" Bev said, she just woke up and made Will stop texting that weirdo called "Mike".

"I know but he looks just like Richie and I wanted to know who he is"

"Let me see his picture" Bev said and Will quickly showed her picture of "Mike". "Isn't that Richie?"

"No, that's Mike, that's what I was talking about, he looks a lot like a Richie"

"Are you sure it's not just Richie pranking you?" Bev answered, she was always trying to keep Will safe.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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