Chapter 17: Throwing a Wrench in the Works

Start from the beginning

They all looked a bit confused when Sirius face brightened up. "Let me guess...Petunia."

"Together with her husband, correct."

"Who are they?" Sam inquired.

Harry sighed and shook his head. "My relatives..."

"Oh!" Sam looked at Dean.

"They at least deserve it," Dean replied with a malicious glee in his eyes. It seems that suddenly he couldn't wait to get to hell and them in his hands.

"Can you ensure that they land where needed?" Sam wasn't entirely convinced yet and in no way content with his brother having to do, what is necessary to break the seal.

"Let me think. Suppose the power structure in hell didn't shift lately. In that case, Alistair is still the chief torturer of hell, and I doubt that they confide the task of getting Dean breaking the first seal to anyone else. I would have to talk to Crowley, but I don't doubt that he will be able to get them to Alistair too," right at that moment it knocked at the door. "Talking about the devil or demon in his case."

With a snapping of his fingers, Loki opened the door and said demon walked in. However, Harry instantly went into defence mode after the encounter with Ruby. Meaning that four of his demon-killing knives immediately floated around him, a fifth slowly creeping up behind Crowley. Even Sirius made a movement to reach for his wand when he remembered that he had no time to get a new one.

"Harry, calm down..." Loki tried.

"He is a demon," the boy snarled in return.

Crowley chuckled. "Oh, an especially observant one."

"If I were you I'd be a bit more careful. I already killed Ruby this morning so don't think I'd hesitate to kill you" Harry now snapped at Crowley letting the knives around him float towards the demon.

Crowley suddenly not that confident anymore eyed them warily. He took a step back only to get to know that there was another one behind him.

"So you're the reason Lilith is throwing a fit because Ruby didn't report back...interesting."

Loki exhaled. "Harry please, he is the one helping me get rid of your relatives. I'm not saying that you should trust him but trust me when I say that he poses no imminent threat to you."

Harry looked at Loki for a long moment before he retreated the knives. Still, he placed them visibly on the table so that he could act quickly if necessary. Crowley took a deep breath in relieve.

"I only came to tell you that they made the deal, but I didn't think that I would run into a homicidal teenager," Crowley growled.

"He is not the only one not trusting you" Sam leaned back. One of the knives lying on the table flipped upwards now standing on its tip and spinning slowly. Levitating something and letting it dance in the air was the only thing Sam could do so far only using his mind and it took a lot out of him but that Crowley didn't need to know.

"Since when are you magical?" Crowley asked, confused and interested, but Sam only grinned.

"Okay, okay, boys...Crowley at the moment we need each other so please at least try to be civil" Loki gave Sam, Dean and Sirius a pointed look. Dean might not be magical himself, but he also looked like he was ready to murder Crowley too. "Crowley, I have another offer to make to you."

Now Crowley perked up. He was a businessperson first and foremost, even if his trading goods were souls mostly. "What kind of offer?"

"Can you ensure that the Dursleys land on Alistair's racks once they took their one-way trip to hell?"

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