TAE murmured: "What?--"

JK (child tone): "You know KJ industry?
A small company?
I am just a SMALL CEO there!-"

TAE removed JK's hand from his own hand.

TAE (angry) shouted: "so basically, you are a Liarrrrrr!

JK gulped: "No Baby--- I I -"

TAE shouted: "Stop calling me Baby---
I am not your baby--"

TAE ran towards his bedroom & shut the door on JK's face angrily.

JK said loudly from outside: "I am soryyyyyyy Baby plzzzz---
Plzzz open the door--"

TAE shouted: "Shut uppppp---
Liarrrrr---- hate you--"

JK: "But I love you Baby---"

TAE shouted: "Shuttttt up--"

JK sighed & became sad!

He walked like a zombie & went to kitchen!!

JK sighed: "I should make some food---
TAEtAE will be happy when he will see tasy food---
I am sure TAe baby will forgive me after eating food--"

JK made that plan & started preparing dinner.

TAE went to washroom but he didn't unlock the bedroom door.
TAE was very angry at that time!

(( TAE's thought: "I should be angry on this rascal---
But I am missing my Bunny-
But, why am I feeling lonely without him?
I missed him so much --
I thought I will spend some time with him---
But that idiot lied me!!
I should have angry!
Yes, TAEtAae you can do it!
Fightinggg--"   ))

It was almost night.

JK already prepared all the favourite dishes of TAE.

TAE got smell of food from inside the room & started feeling hungry!

TAE licked his own tounge to smell the aroma of food!

( TAE's thought: "That Idiot Bunny made food ---
But I will not forgive him so easily!
He lied to me! Liarrrr!
But -- I am feeling so good!
Bunny is such a good cook!--
Arrdhxjjbdshdjcisgkhdjfhghhghfghhgjjffkfhfhknunnnhg---" )

JK knocked the door but TAE didn't answered.

JK said loudly: "Aaahhh---
Chicken lolipop---
Chicken soup------
Ahhhh--- what a smell ---
I will eat now peacefully!!
Fresh Kimchiiiiiii----"

But noone answered.

TAE was becoming more & more hungry after hearing JK.

JK became sad & sat down on the chair but suddenly, TAE opened the door & came to dining table.

JK became surprised to see TAE but he became happy!

JK: "TAae--"

JK was about to say something more but TAE cut his sentence.

TAE: "I am just here to eat the food---
I hope, noone will disturb me-"

JK his his smile to see TAE's childish side!

JK only murmured: "Ok-"

TAE started eating like a 3 years old baby!!

JK was still staring at TAE but when TAE looked at JK, JK immidiately looked away to avoid the eye contact.

TAE's round tummy became full after eating a lot of food.

TAE went to washroom.

JK started cleaning all dishes & kitchen.

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