The gift

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The dainty silver chain touches my neck
Where your hands once did
Tracing its base with its cool touch
For something so slight
I feel its weight at every second of the day
At night it tugs at my neck, choking me at times
Reminding me that without you
It's as though the oxygen is stripped from my lungs
In times when you seem to forget my existence
It sits there heavily, taunting me
The date etched into has faded with time
But is still etched into the heart that beats below it
It's the only piece I have left of my shattered being
On days when we laugh it bounces with my chest
Comforting me with your presence
The worn metal takes the place of your finger pads
I don't feel so alone then
When I'm upset I trace its edges in hopes of comfort
Hoping to feel the resilience you gift me
A gift with so many meanings and moods
Who knew silver could comfort and mock

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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