chappie seven: sports festival

Start from the beginning

"Class Three wins!"

"That didn't seem fair...that guy totally felt up Teruhashi! He should be penalized." Toritsuka spat.

Hyprocite, Yona rolled her eyes. She agreed that Teruhashi's victory wasn't fair, but didn't care to say anything. This whole festival was about students competing against one another. At this truth, Yona brought her eyes to Teruhashi and a tiny smirk grew on her lips. There was a small part of admiration that Yona held for the perfect girl and it was developed after seeing how devoted Teruhashi was to getting what she wanted.

A beautiful smile that was no doubt masking a triumphant one. Her blue eyes shined in gratitude towards her partner that hid the satisfaction of him using his fullest potential for her. Yona was reminded of her own use to Teruhashi when she was invited to eat ramen with the others.

If she thinks that I'm in the same category as those mindless souls that follow her, then I'll show her--

"Yona-chan? You're face is getting scary." Toritsuka poked her cheek. He jolted back when her narrowed eyes snapped to his. She lowered her gaze to the ground and walked away in silence. "Alright, I guess I'll see you later." He trailed off.

I'll show her how determined I am too. Yona smirked. Usually, she didn't care of what others thought of her and brushed their opinions off. Yona didn't need to prove her worth to anybody because in the end, it only mattered what she thought of herself. The reason why Teruhashi sparked this sudden side out of Yona was because this was a side of Teruhashi that Yona admired. Not the whole using a person to get what she wants, but the more determined and charming side.

If she really wants me to see her as a perfect girl, she'll have to prove it to me. As I'll do the same and show her that I'm not a mindless simp. Yona smirked.


Yona left her class's area to go to the bathroom to wash her face. These activities managed to bring some sweat to her and if there was anything she disliked more than waking up to loud noises, being sweaty was it. She turned a corner, but stopped after seeing Saiki. Her eyes noticed how shaky his hands were as they held his food tray. She kneeled down next to him with a quiet sigh, "This event has you tired too, huh?"

Saiki eyed her warily. He glanced down to his food and rested his hand down, "Seems so."

"You're having trouble taking a bite, are you that exhausted?" Yona questioned. The untouched food had her stomach churning in anticipation.

"Why do you care so much? Are you offering to feed it to me?" Saiki raised a brow in mock suspicion.

Hand feed him? Her cheeks warmed up at the image. She backed up and rubbed her arm, looking away from him. Thinking of it was more embarrassing than she realised. The two barely knew each other and here she was making casual small talk. Noticing her going shy, Saiki closed his eyes and carefully leaned back against the wall of the empty building. He didn't want to harm her if she tried to go hear him so keeping his distance was important.

"Seems so." She answered.

A breeze went by, and aside from the wind, Saiki heard shuffling beside him. He felt his tray being taken away from him, getting his immediate attention. One of Saiki's eyes perked open to see a chopstick in front of him, holding out piece of his food. His purple eyes trailed to the girl holding it out for him. She was serious faced with a mix of worry. "Eat." She repeated, nudging the chopstick closer to him.

"Wow, you're actually serious?" He teased. "I was only kidding."

"Doesn't matter, you were shaking. It's not good if you aren't trying your best for this sports festival." Yona defended. Her tone was different from the monotone one he heard during their first encounter. She sounded more encouraging this time and it surprised Saiki.

Is she a caretaker now? He thought. Denying this would be easier. His stomach growled in disagreement forcing the male to go through with it. He was hungry and his body had went through a brief period of overwhelming itself and it wasn't like he had another option.

Reluctantly, he took a bite from the hovering chopstick, shuffling up to stand straight, but not as to lean closer. Accidentally hurling the girl was a potential risk from moving. This small gesture satisfied Yona. She questioned this kind act of hers, but for now she only focused on Saiki. It was possible he lacked physical stamina and got tired easily as opposed to the energetic Hairo.

"Hairo is really in it to win." Yona laughed. "I can't say the same for you though." She looked to Saiki.

"It's annoying." He replied.

Yona shrugged, feeding him another bite, "If you say so. I like his enthusiasm, unlike Toritsuka's motivation." She scrunched her nose up.

Why does she put up with him if he's that much of a scumbag to her? Oh well, it's not any of my business, that's her own issue. Saiki eventually got back the energy he needed to feel stable again. Using many of his powers at one time caused exhaustion as temporarily losing control over them.

For awhile, it was Yona assisting Saiki with his lunch. When the bowl was empty, she handed it back to him and got back up. She wiped her forehead, looking at the stoic male with a brief smile, "That was a nice break. I have to go now, but I'll be rooting for you. I want to see Toritsuka with a buzzcut." She chuckled before turning around, only to stop as she heard him talk again.

"Thank you."

Yona's head perked up to look at Saiki. She saw him with his hands tucked in his pocket and even if his face didn't show it, from behind those tinted glasses, his eyes softened. Hers did as well as she smiled. It wasn't forced or in annoyance.

"Hey buddy-- oh hey, you're that cute girl from the festival!" Nendo leaned closer to her.

She nodded, smiling at him. It wasn't hard to shy away from the big guy, but his presence wasn't anything to alarmed by. His attention turned to his classmate in worry and for a second, it looked like Saiki was about to walk away, however almost all of his classmates appeared and promised to win for him. He glanced back at them with the tiniest smile, from afar he saw Yona standing there with a warm smile, despite the envy in her heart.

If you aren't winning for yourself, win for them, Saiki.

So keeping that in mind, he did...well tried. At the last second of the race, Saiki fell flat on his face and because their class didn't win, the boys of class three got buzz cuts.


Meanwhile in the hallway, two different girls pass by one another. The (color) haired girl carried a lazy expression and didn't spare anyone around her a gaze. Many didn't pay attention as they passed by her, except for one girl.

This blue haired girl waltzed through carrying a dazzling smile and giving each of her classmates a greeting to brighten their day, especially to the (color) haired girl with the piercing (color) eyes.

For a mere second, time stopped as the two caught each other's gazes. Teruhashi's glowing figure shined brighter than the sun rays bouncing off the ocean, but it wasn't as blinding as her smile. Yona took in the angelic vision with her own enticing eyes and enthralling smirk, her head tilted to the side in an almost impressive manner. It was a personal moment between them, neither backing down from each other's captivating stares.

That was until time returned and the two girls went their own ways.


I don't know about you guys but I like when two potential love rivals have a low-key tension between them hehe. Yona admires Teruhashi's devotion and determination while Teruhashi admires Yona's unpredictability and challenge.

If Teruhahsi gives up easily and never tries, MC wouldn't really be giving her the attention. She's kind of like Hisoka in that manner pfft--

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