Chaper twenty five

Start from the beginning

I stood in the entrance, as awkward as I could be while Dame made his way over to the table to examine the maps.

"you know you could sit" he said coldly

"I'd prefer to stand"  I said crossing my arms across my chest.

"suit yourself"  

I watched as he looked carefully at the maps, finding any possible route to ambush the rebel army. With the size of this force, he'd be done by tomorrow night.

Suddenly I heard a loud male voice coming into the tent, I didn't bother to move.

"Dame we got word from--"

The tall male looked me up and down. I gave him the direst look I had to which he smiled.

"Who's this?" the man said

"get away from her, that's Victoria, you imbecile" Dame snorted at the male warrior.

The smile on the man's face disappeared as soon as he heard my name. He looked back down at me. He must've been well over 6' foot.

"Hello Victoria, I'm Keiran Rain, commander of Dame's armada, it's a pleasure" he said bowing before me

"its nice to meet you" I was able to let out. His hazel eyes never left my face. I wonder what'd Dame told him about me to scare him so much.

"well now that your all acquainted, there's two forces infiltrating now, they'll sit and wait for us to arrive until they attack" Dame motioned to his commander to look at the strategy map. Keiran wore fighting armor, black leather. He had swords at his sides and daggers all over. He surely looked the commander part.

"well we can march tonight, I heard humans can not see well without the light of the sun" he said.

"you've never met a human?!"  I said shockingly interrupting them,  both Dame and Keiran turned to look at me. Keiran coughed before saying

"no..besides you, I have never met a human" an honest confession.

I let out a small laugh, which seemed to enrage Dame but interest Keiran because his lips moved upward.

"how's that funny?"  he said to me

"it's just, how are you going to fight humans when you've never even met them?" I said in between giggles

Keiran looked confused for a second. Dame rolled his eyes again placing his hands on the table.

"don't worry Victoria I think we can handle it"  Dame snapped

Keiran turned back to his general, his prince.

"we march at dusk, I can go prepare the force now" he walked toward the exit before sneaking me a small smile.

Dusk was in a couple of hours. Where was I to go?

I turned back to Dame to notice he was already looking right at me. Our eyes connected and for a quick second I forgot where I was.

"where's Arsen" I said.

Something in Dame changed, he stood up right.

"with my father, on the frontier"

"can we go see him ?"  I said moving closer to Dame.


I moved even closer to ask the next question. "Take me back to Scarlett and Quinn" more of like a command than a request.

His eyes narrowed and focused on my face. I studied his cold stare as well. Dame was wearing his general attire which was blacked armor. It had carvings which I recognized where the royal family crest.

"return you to my siblings so you could runaway again?" he hissed

"you dont even know what we were doing!" I yelled at Dame. He had no clue what our plan was although I knew he wouldn't listen to any of it.

"going to hide behind the rebels I presume" he laughed.

My face was getting red hot. The blood inside my veins boiled.

"we were going to try to talk them out of this!" I hissed back at him. In an instant he was right on me, our faces inches apart. I pulled  back a little bit. I looked into his cold, dark eyes. He wasn't going to buy this.

"so they could use you as leverage against us? or worse, kill you?" The whispers sent shivers to my spine.

"Your staying here guarded" he moved back

"Dame, I can't just stay here, my sister's out there!" I said following after him. He ignored my pleads and continued to ready his armor and swords.

"You can't turn your back on them Dame!" I yelled at him, he turned away from me again. This time I moved straight to his face, placing mine in front of his. He stopped moving and just looked at me.

" let. me. go."  I said

"Victoria, its a battlefield, its too dangerous"  I starred at his lips the whole time he said that. They were so close...

"I'll stay by your side"


"Dame, please" I let me face fall from the frustrated look.

He let out a sigh and looked down. Maybe I had gotten to him and he trusted me to do this. Maybe he cared enough to let me save my sister and the people I could.


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