13-And...we're back.

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I came back the next day. I was really glad to see MJ. She gave me a hug and held me so tight and refused to let go for at least 2 minutes. "Zanna! Oh my god. You weren't answering my texts! What's happened?! Are you okay?" She asked. "I'm fine don't be so worried!" I chuckled. "Rose! Oh thank god." Ned sighed in relief, hugging

"Hey Rose." Peter smiled as he tried to high five me, it was an awkward high five but hey, he's an awkward guy. I laughed. "Can we go in now, I don't like being questioned." 

I had english first with Ned and Peter. "Do you guys think ghosts are real?" Ned asked. I started laughing in response.
"Yes of course. Why would people have this image of ghosts being a pale floaty figure, that's gotta come from somewhere." I shrugged. "Right?! That's what I've been saying." Ned smiled.

"I just think when you're gone, you're gone." Peter shrugged. "Wow way to be upbeat about it, Parker. Don't be so depressing." I rolled my eyes, punching his arm. "It's not depressing, it's science. Do you think science is depressing?" He smiled. "Yes Parker, we all think science is depressing." I told him. "Especially physics class." I repeated.

"Hey! You sit with me in psychics!" He frowned. "Exactly, Parker. Exactly." I winked. He laughed. I was happy to be back. It cheered me up. Took my mind off stuff.

*Peter's POV*

Rosanna was back today. It was good to see her smiling. Ned was getting super worried about her so it's good he's stopped getting so stressed. It's always good to see her, always great.

*Rosanna's POV*

The next day, my dad took me. He never usually does except for on 'special occasions.' We spoke a bit.

I told him I was sorry for being such a pain and he said "well, you know what they say like father like daughter. It would be hypocritical for me to get mad at you. Don't you worry about it kiddo, I know how much you care about Barnes." He smiled. I nodded. "Have a good day at school Zan." He called. "thanks Dad, love you." I smiled.

I had physics today which was pretty much the only half decent lesson I had that day. "So...Rose" Peter started. "So...Parker." I replied. "You watch empire strikes back?" He asked. "I actually did." I smiled. "And? What'cha think?" He asked. "It was okay...a little confusing." I told him

"you need to watch all of them Rosanna." He scolded. "Hey! What are you full-naming me for?" I asked. "Sorry, sorry, I forget." He laughed. The rest of the day was pretty boring, I had gym, that just consisted of me and MJ laughing the whole period.

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