Chapter 3

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After I sent the kids home for the day, I made my way back to the teachers lounge. 

Me and Mic have that date tonight. 

I've never been one for stuff like that, but I'm excited. 

It'll be nice to wind down for a bit. 

I stuffed my planned lessons and to be graded assignments in my bag and got ready to head home. 

I was leaving the Teacher's lounge when I ran into Midnight. 

"Mic said don't forget about that date tonight big boy". she reminded me, taking a sip of whatever was in her cup. 

"How'd you-". I started. 

"I've got a women's intuition, one of the strongest forms there is. Plus the chemistry between the two of you everything. Anyone'd know really. He's the only person you can tolerate". she chuckled.

"Better go get ready for it". Midnight smiled giving me a pat on the shoulder, as she walked into the teacher's lounge 

I continued down the hall. 

Is it really all that obvious? I always thought we did a good job of keeping it on the low. Then again Mic's pretty loud. 

I walked out to my car. 

I started it up and backed out of the parking lot. 

I still need to find out who the hell that guy was on the phone. 

that raspy ass voice. 

I've heard it somewhere. 

I headed to the apartment.

The first thing I did when I got there was search my closet for something nice to wear tonight. 

I should dress up a little. Mic seemed really excited. He even reserved a time for us. 

I eyed the clock on the wall in our room. 

It's 4:45. 

He should be home soon. 

Lately he's been coming home late, said he was working with the police department on something. 

I know he's a hero with years of training, but I worry. 

I'd kill me if anything happened to him. 

I hopped in the shower and threw on a suit. I shaved and combed my hair back. I even gave my dress shoes a nice shine. 

I looked in the mirror 

I'd say I look more than presentable. 

This is totally not my style, but I'd be willing to act like it is for the man I love. 

I was spraying on a little cologne when I heard the front door open. 

Mic walked in the room. 

"Who the heck are you and what have you done with Eraser?!" He gasped. 

"Haha. Very funny". I grumbled. 

"I love it! I absolutely love it". He sang, checking me out. 

I'm glad he likes it. 

"We're gonna have so much fun on our date tonight!" Mic assured, running into my arms. 

"I can't wait". I sighed, enjoying his warmth. 

"you finally used the cologne I got you. I'm glad". He chuckled. 

"No I didn't". I blushed. 

"Yes you did! I'd know this smell anywhere. I bought it because it reminded me of you". He admitted. 

(Eraserdust) My New ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now