Chapter 8 - A long road ahead

Start from the beginning

"You guys go on ahead. I'll meet you outside." I said to the team, looking at the text message on my phone. "But Chihiroicchi you're supposed to be all ours tonight!" Kise whined, pulling on my arm. I sighed and showed him the text message, the boy sighing in reply. "Fine, but don't take too long." I looked to Kasamatsu who gave me the go ahead, me walking back in the direction we had come. My eyes flickered about until I found the hall I was looking for, it is rather dark as the lights are broken. . . But it obviously the correct place. "Aka- Chaan~~" I called in a sing song voice, me almost immediately getting pushed into the wall. "What did I say about calling me that?" He asked harshly, his face rather close to me. "You let Mibuchi call you 'Sei - Chan', why can't I get away with it?" I asked curiously, me having met the members of Rakuzan already. "I am absolute." Is all he replied with, meaning that what he wants goes, so if he wants Mibuchi to call him by his first name and not me, he will make sure of it. "Yah! Then I'll go find someone else to play with, perhaps Himuro - Kun entertain me for while." I said, pretending to leave. Akashi pulled me back immediately, slamming his hands on either side of my head. "If you so dare as move; I. Will. Hurt. You." I simply smiled and gazed into his eyes as if I had done nothing wrong, even though I knew I had hit a nerve by name dropping Himuro. "When did you learn to ankle break?" He asked, staring down at me with those intense eyes of his. "Always have known how." I replied. "Why did you bring your whole team to watch our game? Why did you even come?" "I don't have to answer to you." "Then don't call me down here if you have nothing to say to me." I came back with, the two of us arguing even though I hadn't intended for that. I saw his eyes darken, me not really knowing what for. "Valentines day is soon." He said through his teeth. "And?" "I forbid you to give anything to those who are not necessary." "Does my team count as unnecessary'? Those are obligatory chocolates only really, the ones for the others are too." I replied, remembering everyone begging for me to make them chocolates again this year. "You know exactly what I mean." Akashi snapped, him not wanting to say his name specifically. "Ah, I get it. You are the one who wants 'feelings' chocolates, ne?" I asked, finally understanding his motive. He grumbled and looked away, not wanting to look at me head on. I sighed and tip toed, pressing my lips to his. He parted them for me, easily kissing me back and wrapping his arms around my waist. His kiss was hungry, it was as if he hadn't seen me for days. Weeks even. I smiled against his mouth and he took this opportunity to kiss me by the base of my ear, moving slowly downwards and leaving bite marks. I brought my hands up and ran my fingers through his hair, him squeezing me closer to him. He is shorter than all the Generation of Miracles (except Kuroko), but stands at a height of five eight; he is not short at all. "You shouldn't be scared of him." I breathed, my breath hitching slightly as he ran his hands over the bare skin at my sides. "Hardly. I don't like sharing, especially when: You. Are. Mine." He said, raising his head to look me in the eyes again. I shivered, liking the way he said that. . . I leaned my forehead against his and nodded. "I know." Akashi smirked at this and went to kiss me again, but got cut short as my phone began to buzz. "That must be Kise, they're all waiting for me outside." I said, knowing that I have been in here longer than expected. Akashi sighed and placed me squeezed on my feet, taking off his scarf and wrapping it around my neck before planting another hungry kiss on my lips. I let him sweep my mouth with his tongue for a moment, him pulling back and running a hand through my hair. "I'll see you tomorrow, Chihiro." "Alright. I'll see you then." I agreed, running out of the hall to meet up with the others. I hope they aren't too mad for making them wait.

"Is this everything?" Kuroko asked, looking in the bag of groceries we'd picked up. Dinner with Kaijo was good, we had a hoot, laughing and celebrating. Moriyama got turned down several times by the girls sitting in lone booth behind us, which was quite entertaining. The Senpai's and the Kohai's really get along well, I perhaps should come up with a teamwork drill. "I believe so." I replied, peeking into the bag myself. Akashi wants us all to pitch in and make something together; which is a terrible idea. I swear, if it weren't for me, these kids wouldn't all still meet up like this. "Are you doing okay? I heard that your game was very taxing." I asked Kuroko, looking to him with worried eyes. Seirin lost against Touou, which didn't surprise me. However, they worked really hard, so I am sure they expected to go somewhere. . . Kagami Taiga put on a good show apparently, entering the zone. "I am fine. Don't worry." Kuroko told me, just as a loud voice screamed at us. "Ooooii! Chihiroicchi!" "It's Kise - Kun." Kuroko said, as if I didn't know that myself. The two of us stopped at the front gates to Akashi's home and waited for Kise and Midoriama to reach us. The green haired boy walks behind the blond idiot who is smiling and waving like he hasn't seen me or Kuroko in forever. "Hello." I greeted them, Midoriama giving me a slight wave of his hand. "What do you have in there?" Kise asked curiously, looking at the plastic bag. "It's just dinner ingredients. Aka - Chan sent me a list of things we needed and told me to pick them up on the way here." I replied, me knocking on the door. "THANK GOD!" Aomine's booming voice exclaimed, the gate opening, revealing a distressed looking boy. "What is it?" Kise asked, his voice scared. Aomine simply grabbed my shoulders and used me as a shield as Akashi came storming out after Aomine, a knife in hand. "Protect me!" Aomine exclaimed, his voice cracking. "What did you do?" I asked quickly, assessing how fast I could pin down Akashi. "I might have, I don't know. . . . nearly started a fire." "Idiot." Midoriama sighed, Aomine letting go as Akashi had lunged around me to get to his target. I side stepped, ramming my arm into Akashi's stomach and tackling him to the grass. "Get off me you brat!" Akashi yelled, me getting on top of him and pulling the knife out of his hand and running off with it. "Hurry up you four!" I called to the others entering the house. I heard them run after me, Akashi yelling at the lot of us to remove our shoes before going anywhere near the carpet. I laughed and popped my shoes off, skipping in the direction of the kitchen. I heard the front door slam and the locking of his door; he is going to be more than furious by the time he gets inside. "Lock all the doors!" Aomine ordered the others, the all scurrying off to do so before Akashi could reach an open door. "Chii- Chin." Murasakibara greeted, guarding whatever was on the stovetop. It is on low heat, probably due to Akashi turning it down. Aomine is useless when it comes to this kind of thing. "What has he started?" I asked, Kuroko putting the plastic bag on the counter; him obviously deciding not to participate in their little game that will probably end up killing them. "I think it is a stew. Aka - Chin said something about wanting it to be family style." I came over and looked into the pot, it seems that he's started a broth, but there is nothing in there indicating that it is a stew. Murasakibara doesn't have much talent in this area either, except when it comes to sweets which I am sure he will be in charge of. "I think this is supposed to be ramen." I said to him, going back to the island and taking out the vegetables and noodles we had picked up. "Kuro - Chan, could you be a dear and wash the vegetables? We'll have to start without them." I sighed, just as Momoi came into the kitchen. "Yatah! You're finally here!" She called to us, her already in an apron. "Where were you?" I asked, looking down the hall she had come from. "Akashi - Kun wants me to peel potatoes." She replied with a smile. Kuroko and I looked at each other, why is she not in the kitchen to peel them? "GOD HE'S BROKEN IN!" Aomine yelled, him coming screaming into the kitchen with Kise on his heels. Midoriama had simply walked in from the other side of the kitchen, pretending that he had nothing to do with their scheme. "Daiki. Ryota." Akashi said, coming into the kitchen with a very scary look on his face. "You guys are in trouble." I sighed, backing up slightly. "Are you ready for your punishment?" The red haired boy asked, taking out a pair of scissors from his pant pocket and twirling them around his fingers. "Akashi." Midorima warned, not liking where this is going. "Move it." I said, pulling Kise back, knocking something over with my elbow. Murasakibara, who was closest to Aomine, pulled him back as well, the scissors zipping by Aomine's head by an inch and hitting the wall on the opposite side of the kitchen. "Ah." Kuroko said, bending down and picking up a milk bottle that I had knocked over. Momoi who was trying to cook in all the commotion, dropped several eggs, her yelling at them to stop messing her up. I shook my head as the whole kitchen became an uproar; this is why we don't do things together.

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