Chapter 8 - Alive

Start from the beginning

"Uhhh, Gonta thinks that's a lie." the man said with a nervous smile.

"Gonta's getting more intelligent, that's so cool!~" I cheered, clasping my hands together.

"Gonta is trying his hardest to understand Kokichi more! He knows Kokichi is nice."

"I'm not a good person Gonta, c'mon now, you known that!"

"If Kokichi is referring to what happened in the game then-"

Gonta shook his head.

"Gonta does not blame Kokichi. Forgave Kokichi already."

I felt my heart warm up a little.

Honestly, this wasn't the first time he said he forgave me, but everytime he and Miu said they didn't blame me for my actions, after hearing the true purpose behind my actions, it always felt really nice to hear.

"I know that dumb dumb! I was just messing with you."

Kaito rolled his eyes as Gonta let out a "ohhh" and I giggled.

As I was eating, I looked around the room, scanning for who was there and who wasn't.

"1...2...3........ and 11. All of us are here today, wow!~" I muttered under my breath.

Kaito gave me a curious look before going back to his food.

There were 4 tables total in the place, but we only took 3 of them. The first table was Kaede, Rantaro, Ryoma and Kirumi. They apparently all had a deep talk after the second class trial, talking about the game and all, hence why they became that close. The second group was Korekiyo, Angie, Tenko and Miu. Miu kind of switched from table to table all the time, but as for the three others, they also apparently talked a lot to each other, notably about their problems. Both girls forgave the man and became good friends.

As for the last table, well, it's Kaito, Gonta and I.

At first, when everyone learned what I did to Gonta and Miu, they were all mad at me and ignored me for days, until Kaito came along and explained, with my help of course, the plan I had. Most of them still don't trust me, but they just choose to not make a fuss over it, since it was just a virtual game after all.

"Just a virtual game" my ass. This is another one of these idiots' lies. Well, it's not entirely a lie.

The way we died all gave us some kind of problem after that. For example, Rantaro suffers from frequent headaches now, because of the way he died. Ryoma is now scared of water, Kirumi has a newfound fear of heights as well as phantom pains all over her body, Kaede and Miu have difficulty breathing, Korekiyo often dissociates, Angie and Tenko both have frequent headaches like Rantaro and Kaito and Gonta suffers from stomachaches.

As for me, my entire body always hurts in some way or another. It's not intense to the point where I can't walk or something, but it's just enough to become annoying.

As I finished eating, letting out a sigh and putting my hands behind my head again, a door opened.

It was the door that connected our small dining area to what apparently was the office where these idiots came from.

"Good morning everyone! Feeling better?"

Nobody answered the tall woman.

You see, after getting out and seeing how all of this was just a sick virtual game, none of us were happy about it. Even if I found this a little funny at the beginning, it was just plain horrible to make teenagers like us go through this.

Apart from that information, they won't tell us anything. They waited until "the end" of the game.

"Guess what everyone? The game is over!"

Immediately, everyone looked at the brown haired woman.

"The survivors and Mastermind were all pulled out of the game two days ago, after a last class trial."

"And where are they? Why are they not here yet??" asked Kaito.

"We just wanted to keep the surprise!"

"What surprise, this is just your sick ignorant game and we're not playing it anymore." said Ryoma coldly.

"It's fun for us! Plus, your little survivors really fucked up everything, so many people were touched by the ending that they declared they would never watch it again! So, I don't care what you think."

'Huh? What people?'

The woman tch'ed. Then, she clapped her hands one time and switched her frown to a smile.

"Ok-ay! Get seated! Get ready for the finale!"

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