Chapter 2 - Friendship

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His username was "PantaKing". It was honestly a pretty childish name, so I expected the guy to be at most 12 or 13. It didn't bother me though, because I really enjoyed talking to him.

The guy himself seemed pretty... mysterious. He was constantly teasing me, messing with me and even flirting with me, while also seeming pretty shy and insecure. I really couldn't figure this guy out at all; after all, it's pretty hard to do so when all you know about him is just simple part and parcel of him as a person.

KirigiriStan: Hey what's up!

PantaKing: Nishishi, why hello there Kiri!~ ^w^ Anything new to say today?

KirigiriStan: No, not really, just wanted to know how you were doing. You aren't very talkative lately.

PantaKing: Aw come on, you know how popular I am at school!~ I need to keep up my good figure and be a good guy so I'm pretty busy! :>

KirigiriStan: It's fine, sorry I wasn't thinking about that -v-" I was just curious; where do you live?

PantaKing: Woah woah there sir! I might be in love with you but for all I know, you could be a creepy pedophile who wants to kidnap little ol' me!~ My mom wouldn't like that! ;-;

KirigiriStan: Ah! Oh, I'm sorry for asking. I shouldn't have asked that

PantaKing: Awww you're starting to make me feel bad >~< Alright I'll tell you, since I trust you!~ I live in Saitama prefecture! But I can't tell you anything else~

KirigiriStan: Wow, we're actually really close! I'm in Gunma prefecture.

PantaKing: Oh my gosh!!! We should tots meet up! Are you free this weekend?~

KirigiriStan: Uh, yeah for sure! And yes I am, I was planning to rewatch the 45th but that can wait.

PantaKing: Alrighty, perfect then!~ I can't wait to meet up my precious Kiri, it's a date!

It's a date.

I remember flushing bright red when I closed my computer that day. I was pretty nervous to meet him. After all, I still thought this guy was a 12 year old messing with me.

When weekend came, I dressed up in a  black hoodie and ripped jeans, topping the outfit with my hat, which I'd started to wear to avoid eye contact in public, and headed out.

I eventually reached the place we were supposed to meet at, a little early. It was a simple park, with people walking their dogs around and children running one after the other, giggling.

I pulled my cap down and crossed my arms, pulling out my phone so that people don't think I'm creepy, sitting all alone on a bench.

I waited for a bit and looked around, trying to find anyone that could be PantaKing.

I eventually saw a guy standing next to a tree, looking all around.

He seemed extremely nervous, holding his phone close to his chest. His black hair was a mess, hair strands sticking out from everywhere and his eyes were a shining deep purple. He was pretty short, which kind of made sense, since he must have been a lot younger than me. He was wearing a dress shirt and some pants, which made me regret dressing so casually.

"This can't be him, right?" I thought.

I eventually locked eyes with him. His eyes widened a little and his worry seemed to dissipate.

"It can't be anyone else but him." I thought.

I stood up and walked over to him. He slowly started smiling.

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