chapter 23

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Tuesday, March 21 11:45am

We drove to the meet and greet place in a limo. When we got there we saw so many fans and we got down and heard them screaming in excitement. Me and Alex walked in holding hands to our places which was right next to each other.

Y - *breathes* I'm nervous

A - you'll do fine just have fun

Y - ok

Alex grabbed your hands and kissed you. They finally let the people in at 12 and they started to form a line. The first person that came up to you was leah.

L - Leah

L - oh my god *cries* I fricken love you guys so much

Y - aww dont cry *hugs*

L - can I get a picture

Y - of course *poses*

L - thank you and can you sign my shoes

You signed her shoes and gave her a hug and then more people cane you looked over to Alex and saw him kissing a girl on the cheek, you felt jealous but you didn't say anything because she's a supporter. The rest of the meet and greet went fine. You guys finished and it was time to go eat with them, it was 4:30. You and Alex were in the limo.

A - that was fun I got so many gifts

Y - yeah it was *checks phone* OH MY GOD

A - what happened?



Y - *screams*

You guys get to the dinner place and there was about 30 supporters waiting at a table for y'all. You sat down in between these 2 girls, Alex sat in between another 2 girls, Hailey sat across from you in between another 2 girls, Brandon sat in between a boy and a girl, and gio sat in between 2 girls. You hated the fact that Hailey was there but you didn't really care. You guys ate and they asked a bunch of questions about yours and Alex's relationship and the fight with Hailey. You and Hailey started getting mad so Alex took you to the bathroom.

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